1 August, Monday | Over the weekend, I knew I need to follow up with an email to send group photos taken at the Durian Cake Baking Class to the participants, as instructed by my boss. Before I could start, I saw an email from an attendee that her durian cake tasted sour (on Sunday), she asked me to check with the others too! I quickly texted Jol to ask and she said hers was okay. Then later she told me it does taste slightly sour (on Monday) later in the day.
I was so confused and don't know what I should do. Should I reach out to the rest to check their cakes? But this will create a biased judgment if they have not tasted the cake. I contacted the vendor to check, and they said their demo cake (done during the class) was okay so let's just monitor the situation...
One of the managers from other centers emailed me to check on the usability of ISS laptops for live chat. I called him but then he wasn't available to speak on the phone, so for the rest of the day, I was expecting him to contact me. He did not ring me LEL
WL should be able to attend to his queries given he is the IHIS PM for the chatbot project, yet he was the one who referred Victor Krum to reach out to me... (I can answer la, but he really very useless...)
There is the eFC user meeting today. W is on leave and I have to attend this, I am slightly anxious that they will ask me to make decisions, Thankfully, my boss is in this meeting too and the decision-making part is left for him to consider.
Lunch at OWLS BREW

Tom Yum Instant Noodle Soup
When I came back from lunch, I saw Char texted in our WhatsApp gc that T resigned, and her last day will be 26 August! Based on her table (not many personal belongings), can tell she wouldn't stay for long de. But then given her work competencies, how dishonest she is etc, I never expected that she will be able to find another job!!!!!!
Still can't believe it la, however, this is not a loss for us given her capabilities HAHA
While I was having one of my biggest struggles at work, I went through the T6C codes and was so troubled, I was trying to make sense and rationalise with myself which ones should I be changing. This is where I started mixing things up and causing unnecessary stress to myself HELPS
Colleagues from other offices came to sell things, such as flowers, etc. It was not bad chatting with them leh (is it I should change department? I gave up the chance when one of the bing bings left, WQ told me to try). This was a good distraction from whatever mess I was in, mentally!
I printed out the 2 MP appeal letters that got approved YASSSS and drafts also cleared. I hope I am more or less ready to manage things on my own, without W always holding my hands.
2 August, Tuesday | I decided that it is better to write to Victor Krum instead of waiting for his call, he can also easily use the info for internal discussion! After I sent the email, he called me and we had a chat about the issues with the two options.
Sleeping P took Sick Leave without MC today, again. After she tried it once, I am quite sure she will max out the 3 times per year!
My boss suggested a darker shade for the Mooncake Making event, so I made the change and it does look better leh! I quickly sent an email to the baking interest group to share we have a new event coming up, kindly keep a look out :)
I was really busy today, but finally could put together what I know and one by one move each counsel code to either the change or no change pool, then relook at the unsure ones in T6C! There was a lot of checking with service master data, but I am glad at least I am going in the right direction (albeit my initial confusion)!
It was only at 3.39 pm I realised J did not go to the washroom since 2 pm, she went out for her chief cashier duties...
I continued working on T6C until 5 ish pm and sent the file to W, in preparation for her return tomorrow. I need her to clear this before she goes back to Malaysia until 10 August!
I managed to find some time to look at the MP appeal letter (where is Faridah again?) and then left for Yoga!
Today, YS didn't come for Yoga as he told me he's feeling tired lately so today I ended up next to some weird guy that keeps making weird grunting noises throughout the Yoga class!!!! ARGHHHH
Ending today's post with:

Loving the exercise/yoga crazy me!!!! in floral embroidery 🌸🌼🌻🌺🌹🌷
3 August, Wednesday | After my boss sent out the Mooncake making event poster, we have 10+ sign ups!!!!!!! With prior experience, I started collating the sign ups in excel and everything seems smoother than the first round!
I did my core work follow up, and also while waiting for W's inputs on T6C TOSP updates, I offered to help B with form creation.
My boss explained to B first then he offered in his email to help B create a simple one. I think my boss will ask me to help la, and since I got some time, I offered to create it. But then I had to google all the Get Active Questions (PAR-Q) and indemnity clauses, so in the end it was quite time-consuming...
(sponsored by K, even the capsules, I think I will paiseh to drink often...)
In the afternoon, W replied to the T6C changes with her comments. I quickly read through and make the necessary updates. I called her to check a few things and point taken that we should use uploading dates following FPA, in the event missed out/not informed, it will be easier for us to trace back when the changes were implemented!
(I still got a lot to learn horrrr)
After the clean-up, W gave me to green light to load so I decided to do it tomorrow instead (we are still early heh)!
W has finished work by 5 pm, I went through Sleeping P's values in her draft and made sure they tally with what is shown in the CCF! All seems to be going well until my lao ban come and asked me about the for.sg link I created for my night cycling event, and he wanted to standardise for the rest (badminton's + tennis's event form) too! My boss never said very urgent la, but then this is quite a quick task, I offered to do now (at 5.58 pm, omg).
While I was doing this, J kept rushing me to leave work, "可以走了吗". My boss can hear from his desk, so he kept replying for me "很快了!!!!!“, "多一下!!!!!“ HAHAHA SO FUNNY!
(My boss thought J and I live nearby so want to go home together, but actually, we just like to knock off work together and 一起 walk to MRT heh)
(sorry too hungry, did not take picture of the cooked food haha)
Creepy SCM watching us from CCTV!!!!!!!!! But we got 10% off la, hehe
This place the toilet damn dirty, and we went elsewhere to use the toilet, but it's about the same! This area is also quite ulu, thankfully Suz drove so I got home safe, no sweat!
4 August, Thursday | Since Tuesday, Papadom and I couldn't sign in to MS Teams, this means we are unable to authenticate ourselves and add to the chatlog review file! Contacting Ben via email is not effective, plus we are unable to Teams him! We are left with no other choice but to download and work on the file offline, and trouble other PHI's colleagues to help us update the online file based on our verbal inputs.
(how come eFC meeting today, only got me from my institution?? SUS, is it they got say the agenda but I overlooked...)
It's 2.30 pm, but our chatbot project PM, Ben is a no-show! We saw his out-of-office automatic reply but thought he will be responsible enough to run the show, we were wrong!
We all waited until 3 pm! JC took the initiative to call their CTO and CEO, but even then, they couldn't get the meeting rolling. JOKE SIA
I mean we kinda accepted the fact that we will only receive Ben's support during the meetings, biweekly. We are only able to reach him to troubleshoot our MS Teams problem during the meeting, but we did not expect a no-show, nor the courtesy to cancel the meeting beforehand! IT WAS AWFULLY DISAPPOINTING AND RIDICULOUS!!!!!
Mom got me McDonald's fries as my lunch snack, just in time for my 3 pm break since the meeting is canceled!
What's important to complete for today, is loading T6C updates to SAP! But there is something wrong with the unique ID of one of the entries, there is a duplicate value. I was debating with myself if I should leave it blank, or correct both entries...
In the end, I changed both and loaded to UAT and Production!
5 August, Friday | I saw an enquiry from a doctor about our night cycling event! He asked if we will be riding PCNs, can he bring his spouse along and how long will the journey be. I guess we have to reject him in a nice way?! My boss and Sam helped to draft the response so that we sound tactful enough to take up his suggestion to allow family members to come along!
We replied Peru on the whole lack of communication and follow-up by her staff, don't think she takes it quite well...
Sleeping P came to me to highlight a case to me! PE office seems to want to push it to us (the staff spoke to Sleeping P via phone call) so I wrote back to share we can reiterate the points, but this guy already threatening to go to the media, would it be better if PE Office responds to him instead... Plus the guy alleged the communication at Adms was bad, not suitable for us to reply on their behalf...
It was a busy day, after lunch, I came back to complete all the tasks I have to clear today, such as submitting monthly stats, clearing drafts, and past MP appeal follow-ups!
As my boss will be on leave next Monday, I quickly sent my MP appeal draft to him to vet so that I can float it over to Edna on Monday to approve!
Before I left for the day, my boss came to our lorong, I thought he wants to speak to J but this time is me... He asked me to send him the stats for the events, he wants to share during the Wellness meeting next Thursday!
(got it, will send him next week!)
This time I barely tear up during my Lash Lift session, and the lady remembers me leh!!!! SHOOK (is it because I problematic so she remembers me haha)
My lashes are really chio now 💖
Also, Fatfat and I decided to renew and get their lash lift package! It is more worth getting the 15 sessions right?

So I just paid $1,050 for 1 year worth of vanity for 2 pax!
Then we headed over to Merci Marcel for dinner🍺

(drinking this made me sleepy...)
Then we left much earlier than usual, and I held back ordering their fries because Sis got us 2 McDonald's large fries!!!! (totally get 到我的 feels~)
8 August, Monday | Today feels good because tomorrow is PH - Singapore's 57th birthday!!!!!!! I just need to get through 1 day of work then it will be pang gang for a bit!
I sent the MP reply letter to Edna, then later her secretary, ET called me to share that Edna's FIL just passed away, and she will be on compassionate leave from Wednesday to Friday! I will wait for her la, give her space right...
Shortly after, she replied to me "Approved, Rachel" and also told me about her compassionate leave. I googled what to say in my email and went with:
"Our deepest condolence to you and your family"
DANA made cheesecake!!!!!😘
(Wrapper matches my dress colour, aka RED)
LAKSA BURGER to celebrate National Day (got the feels)

After lunch, I decided to ask my boss if it is okay to ask for payment today (since registration closes on Wed). I think to collect earlier better, if not they change their minds then GG!
He is agreeable so I sent out all the emails, out of 26 interested participants, 3 already bailed leh!!!! This means I only have 3 more backups...
🙏🏻 pray that no one else bail
Later in the afternoon, I decided to make use of the unwanted logo envelopes by printing the Ministry's address on them. It will be easier when I mail out the letters in the future!
But then I don't know how to get the layout in the printout right, plus which orientation for the envelope when I load it in the printer.
I asked J for help when she came back from her open safe duty, so hehe settled liao! Putting the orientation picture here, in case one day I forget:

(dressed in my favourite red dress for work)
I spent the rest of today clearing drafts, need not wait until W is back on Wednesday. The more we clear, the better. There are some that I am unsure of, I am quite scared to give clearance for those. I will think about it again and maybe clear those on Wednesday...
I wonder what does W do when she is unsure of the draft, leaving it to another day to think through seems to be the way she copes with this! (Will this be my future life?)
YOURTMRW purchases are here~
9 August, Tuesday | HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!!!! 🇸🇬❤️
We celebrated with PizzaHut for lunch and KFC Satay Crunch for dinner!
We watched the parade and performance from home, and then I fell asleep on the sofa, totally missed the fireworks, reciting the pledge LOL
(did a little art session today in my new notebook!)
10 August, Wednesday | After the PH, there are a total of 4 payments made, I had to reply to them to confirm their slot is secured and to arrive 15 minutes before the start of the mooncake-making class! I saw an enquiry from one staff, C asking if she can bring her child to the lesson and also asking for the age range for the workshop.
My boss and I thought it could be she has no one to babysit her toddler/baby. I replied to her via email clarifying her circumstances, also explaining the class is meant for 16 years old and above and that non-paying participants are not allowed into the class, to be fair to the paying ones for the recipe and demonstration.
Instead of replying to me, she called me to share that her child is 18 years old... She wants to let her child go to the class since she is keen. If it is about the money, she doesn't mind paying.
Despite explaining to her that it is a corporate event, not open to family members of our staff, she insisted to let her child go! I told her I can allow that if we have an available slot, will let her know next week. She even told me that if no slot, she will let her child go for it instead.
CANNOT LA!!!!!! But how to stop her from doing so???! I can't tie her to a chair what... THIS WOMAN REALLY V ENTITLED
CDG informed me that the new cards for K3 are ready and I just need to close the loop with them. I am also enquiring about other matters that the K3 admin brought up...
T2 was a little late today, she arrived at 10.15 am with an engineer to add my ADID to some list and I was able to see the chatbot widget on my corporate laptop!!! We were also able to trigger browser notification via Action Centre, it's just an icon indicating there is a new item!
At least we are about 80% there, the remaining 20% is having notification sound ✌🏻
T2 asked about WL today, what did he say about this problem since he is the chatbot PM. I just said the truth, he referred another institution's enquiry to me to respond to! (TSK, he really doesn't know anything hor)
I also 顺便 asked about our problem with MS Teams login! She updated me that it is likely due to M365 migration. Once they confirmed this is the problem, what she will do for us is to download MS Teams on our laptop, so that the system will recognise our guest account with our vendor! REALLY XXN SO MUCH!
I was busy clearing drafts, and looking through the case info for chemotherapy claims submission (REALLY NO TIME LEH). We went for lunch at Dhoby and grabbed Starbucks before returning to our office!
In the afternoon, I was going through Faridah's draft and it was bad... I emailed W to ask if we can send the case back etc. I noticed W did not reply, guess she was occupied with other things...
At 4ish pm, YS texted me to ask why I wasn't with W in the meeting!
SIAO LIAO LA!!!!! I searched "pcp" and found an email that my boss declined the invite, the meeting is from 2-4 pm lehhhhh (my gosh)
I realised I overlooked this, I felt super sian la and trashy... Is it I have too much work, I am feeling so horrible day in and day out!!!!!
I overheard J asking T who is this "Grace"? and I was like wait, not our big boss hor. Later we found out she emailed this "Grace" because she is listed as the 'Service Provider" under Appointments, to change the patient's address. OMG DID SHE ASK A DOCTOR TO HELP CHANGE HER ADDRESS?! + not addressing her as "Dr. Grace"??? I think she has never been scolded by doctors before!!!!!! SIAO AHHH (I am getting panic attacks because of her sia)
At 5ish pm, I moved some of my notes over from the red notebook to my new one hehe. However, I didn't have enough time to finish as HN called me suddenly to ask things on corporate billing!
How to resist not doing it up:
I couldn't help but want to complete the transfer of notes, so on top of helping Jas come up with a last-minute poster after hours, I also copied my notes over! It was quite a chill time while I drank coffee (vibes~). I went to sleep at 12 ish am.
11 August, Thursday | I spent the first 30 minutes of my working hours settling project matters - enquiries and payment! I feel the bulk of my time lately at work is spent doing work CCAs, where got time to focus on core work??
(Initially, I thought my bad mood/ tiredness was due to menses, but now start to see I am feeling liddis due to my overwhelming workload!)
W cleared my draft to ask for one of the FDW's address in Indonesia, so that is cleared!
We received a form submission asking for a bill incurred at another hospital. Sleeping P drafted the reply to share that there are no records of the patient here. I think it will be better to practice a no wrong door policy and help her out. I texted PP and then later emailed her the patient's info, she managed to check and updated me that they will reply to the patient directly instead! YAYYYYYYY
Despite M's attempts to reschedule the chatlog review, they were unsuccessful. So I don't need to recap last week's HW in preparation for the discussion.
Today's eFC meeting was really long but I could focus and catch the key ideas while putting down the notes in my new notebook hehe. The meeting only ended at 1ish pm, so I wouldn't have much time for my long-awaited nap today...
W called me shortly after the meeting and asked if I took a screenshot of the items discussed earlier. The items discussed were put up by my boss, but he was away. I offered to collate my notes and send them to W, she later shared our combined notes with our boss!
In the afternoon, I cleared drafts and saw the IT team has sent the PCP slides upon W's request today. I will read through it and try to digest the information tomorrow!
I have sent all the payment reminders to 12 participants who haven't paid for the mooncake-making class! For the whole day, I couldn't find the payment from Dr. K in my transaction records but I cannot ask her rudely if she confirms she paid... Hope it works out tomorrow and she does not back out from the class, just because the payment couldn't clear.
At 6ish/7 pm, I received a text from this lady who complained the Durian cake tasted sour, but still signed up for our mooncake-making class. She asked if I can find someone to take her slot as she has a ftf meeting on 26th that she must attend!
(will deal with that tomorrow...)
Mom's Fried Fish Soup with Maggie😋

12 August, Friday | HAPPY 27th BIRTHDAY TO CHIAM 老婆!!!💖💋
This morning I went to the pantry to grab some cold water and saw the intern doing some shady act, like using her body to block my line of sight of something. Then awhile more, I figured out she was using the Nespresso machine by hearing the power turned on. 1 or 2 weeks back, K told me she saw the intern behaving uninterestedly when we were setting up the machine (we thought maybe she is a tea person?)
Somehow I am always the one catching people in the act of doing shady things HAHAHA
P came to my desk today to ask if she needs to go through me to share her dietary preference for the Sprint! (as to not override me) HUH I don't own that place leh LOL
Faridah saw the case that I told her to redraft, which I clearly explained the reason to do so in my email to her. She doesn't seem to understand and we started having a discussion on this. W overheard and stepped in to share the same thing I shared with her, Faridah has no choice, she sat down quietly...
Later, before she left for her PM leave, she sent the redraft addressed to W, cc-ed me! It just seems like she 不服我 or wants to override me and go to W.

After lunch, I spent more than an hour searching for info and cleaning up her draft. I also compiled a list of enquires not answered in her draft. W and I had a long discussion on this case and W couldn't completely review the work before 4.30 pm. I told her to go off, can look at it on Monday with a clear mind!
I heard there's SUPER JUNIOR CONCERT IN SINGAPORE on 3 September 2022! I am so excited about it, and hope can get the tickets!!!!!!💙💙💙💙
Today, one of the staff asked if her colleague also got it, if yes, she would like to also make payment for her too! Her colleague happens to be the next person on the waiting list, the slot is available after one lady pulled out and requested a refund.
(this lady texted me last night, this morning, and also called me to ask for a refund...)
Dr. K finally settled the payment issue so YAYYYYYYY. Now I have 4 slots pending only, I can deal with this next week.
13 August, Saturday | Fatfat went out to get her HPV vaccine but failed! We planned to go grab McDonald's breakfast as brunch then returned home to buy SUPER JUNIOR CONCERT TICKETS!!!!!!!!!
In the end, we had McDonald's, Yakiniku Like, go Uniqlo to buy clothes, chill at Paris Baugette then went home to get tickets!
Strawberry Ice bar and Mint Yuzu Sparkling Tea at PARIS BAUGETTE:
Did we manage to get the tix???!

15 August, Monday | Over the weekend, I got 2 more payments (3 pax) for the mooncake-making event, so have to reply as an acknowledgment!
W went through Faridah's draft early this morning and agreed there are a lot of things missing, asked me to send it back without my prior edits. Let her (Faridah) go through the pain and put together the draft! (She is really getting from bad to worse)
Jas needed help with the changes to her form and poster. I did that quite quickly since the changes are quite straightforward.
I saw EN's JC's email asking about indemnity, I added him as a collaborator but he wanted the sharing link URL. Both works la, how come I never thought of that sobs... (I am gonna name this JC, Buffy here!)
The intern suddenly appeared behind me, asking about FormSG logic, now then I realised cannot create logic for Radio fields LOL. We discussed a bit then later she went to P followed by my boss to ask the same thing...
I reviewed Mr. Y case draft after getting confirmation on some facts being wrongly presented in the draft. W now says okay to the draft le!
As for the 4 remaining people who did not respond to the payment for Mooncake-making class, I finally got the courage to reach out to one of our Nursing DD, and some other staff! I did this before and after lunch, there are no more backups after 3 people pulled out today... I have 3 slots assuming we will receive payment from the DD.
My boss is agreeable to reaching out to the staff who wanted an additional slot for her 18 years old daughter...

Later I saw an email from Marya, one of the administrators of the corporate billing project. She alleged that there is double billing in the invoice. She highlighted the ride charged was not taken by that particular staff.
First of all, double billing means the person is charged twice for a service. According to Marya, the person didn’t even consume the service, so I don’t see how there is any double billing…
Two, I went to dig out the job ID she gave previously for checking with the vendor. It was confirmed by the vendor that there is no charge for the ride. Making a comparison, the ride that she alleged was wrongly charged is of a different Job ID???
I sent my reply clarifying the matter. Our emails crossed, apparently, her boss spoke to her, it was a misunderstanding on her part…
PE Office sent an MP appeal letter, then later the colleague emailed again to ask me to ignore it as this case came at the end of July and we had closed that appeal. BUT I DON’T REMEMBER THIS CASE AT ALL… W also got confused by her statement and told me she doesn’t remember at all (when she vets all my letters).
Upon my clarification email, then the colleague came back to share it was confusion on her end LOL
This colleague really is not meticulous kind. She always makes small mistakes like the target reply date vs day error etc. So far I have not received any email that is completely correct😂
Later I was telling J that my mooncake event crisis, and that I am desperately looking for people to sign up for the event. J started telling me that the location is near Yaohan at Upper Thomson and how to get there.
My boss overheard our conversation and was surprised that I heard of “Yaohan” and then later walked over to offer to send me there since he will be making his way there too!
(Wah J just unintentionally sabo me sia…)
I think I have too many things on my mind, I forgot to bring my pass out when I went to the toilet! After I was done, I realised I have no pass nor my phone to reach anyone to open the door for me... I went to the front door and pressed the bell, my colleague pressed the buzzer to let me in but the glass door is locked at 5 ish pm liao! So I went to the back door and hope someone comes out to get me haha
Actually, my colleague went over to see who it is and tell the person to go to the back, but there is no one there! IT'S 7TH MONTH LEH, he 吓到!!!!!
I knocked on the back door a few times and hoped someone heard, just nice got some sound inside the office so I tried again. The person who opened the door was my boss HAHAHA. He looked at me like "HUH" then I told him I left my pass in the office, then he asked why I don't call him, me: "I also didn't bring my phone" and awkwardly went back to my desk haha
Once again, I overlooked or forgot to forward HN's email... She just thanked me last week for being approachable and patient, and I disappeared.

Left to go try out the jeans I tried on Saturday haha
$59.90, I bought it!
16 August, Tuesday | I saw HN's email on Thursday evening but was way too occupied to check her file. Then when I have small pockets of time, I forgot about it?!?!?
I recalled this last evening while bathing... and quickly ran through her file this morning before sending it over to Ivy. I also called Ivy to confirm some things!
Today, I paid attention to eFC meeting as we have a few items from my office to discuss. My boss asked a few questions and W was also involved in responding. W wanted to take a full day's leave today as her grandchildren are unwell, but due to this meeting, she decided to take half a day instead...

Then after lunch, I have a meeting with our other chatbot PM, M at 2.30 pm! Papadom caught Covid-19 and is on medical leave, but is keen to join this meeting! (very enthu hor)
At 2.58 pm, Papadom:
She duno how to duplicate
U like excel trainer now sia
We took 1 hour to teach her simple excel skills, like "Move or Copy", how to duplicate and set up Data Validation for the cells! She has tech skills but doesn't know Excel??!?!!
Me, at 3.14 pm:
I cant believe i teaching our service provider excel 🤣🤣🤣
She also didn't really understand our MS Teams problem and even asked me how to upload files on teams (I don't really use Teams, I'm not very sure but probably can figure it out faster than her)
I drafted an email with follow-up items for M to follow up on since she is covering Ben's duties! I also went to try resetting my account password by SSPP as advised by T2 to Papadom. Before I could send out my draft email, I got logged out of my account!!!! OMG LA, I called IT HelpDesk to help reset my password! I quickly sent out my email, hope M can faster settle the items if I send them earlier!
I realised I shouldn't stall any longer, I must secure the slot with this staff who wants to bring her daughter!!!! I called her and offered to drop her an email to follow up on the payment for additional pax (after she pays, I still have 2 more slots to fill).
After getting clearance that we can write to the patient's mother + see her medical history, I contacted KY to ask how should we manage this, given that we want neither the appointment not be wasted nor the mother does not reach out (bills left outstanding). I told her I will send her an email on the consideration points, she can use that to discuss with her colleagues. I took some time to write the email containing the summary of the case...
Then later, I saw the email from M on the meeting invite. She also emailed to say she cannot reach two recipients. One of them is on the invite leh, while the other person is YS! I highlighted the names of the others who had left too, and highlight that JC's email is truncated and that there is some unauthorized recipient that we should check!
I didn't have enough time to finish replying to this as I am rushing off for Yoga class! It feels weird without seeing YS there lor
Later at night, the others replied to my WhatsApp message on the revised leading institution schedule. JC texted me privately to ask about the excel sheet, was it loaded by M. He told me the validation cells were not there...
I WANT TO CRY 😭 We spent so much time teaching her but it was not done properly!!!! (thanks JC for helping us fix it)
17 August, Wednesday | Wah I have been itching to reply to this chatbot email since last evening, so this is the first to go out! At the end of the day, after clarification from the relevant parties, M still hasn’t resend the meeting invite 🙃
I received the #18 participants’ payment for the mooncake-making event so here goes my payment acknowledgment email, while I continue to stress over who else to fill up the two vacant slots…
HN came back with a few queries and I drafted the reply but didn’t have the chance to send it out, especially with so many other things bogging me down.
Breakfast things from Dana!

But the true extent of our lunch is:

One of the cases that requested an investigation was not followed up, after more than 1 month so the wife called this morning and made a scene…
W forwarded this to Johnny since it was feedback on what our Collection Agency (CA) did, however, Johnny overlooked sending it over to CA for follow-up.
After CA contacted the husband, we were informed by CA staff that they are demanding a call back from the hospital.
I have no choice but to speak to Mr. V on this matter, it was a 24 minutes call. He alleged that our CA revealing that he has an outstanding bill to his mother had caused a family dispute, and this resulted in the unsuccessful treatment…
He refused the apology and demanded compensation! I have never handled anything liddis!
**quickly sends an email to PDPA Secretariat + PE Office**
(he did not request that the hospital get back to him, it was wrongly conveyed by our CA…)
I called W a few times today to discuss this, and we decided to send a short interim reply acknowledging our call today and that we are looking into his concerns.
Email to HN sent out!
The administrator of one of the existing departments on the corporate billing program, AC emailed me today to share there will be a new project under their department joining this program and asked what is needed other than filling up the excel sheet.
I called Ivy to get a recap of their accounts and billing arrangement (# of invoices) and also called AC to clarify some matters before closing the loop with the new admin who will be giving me all the information for set up of virtual cards!
Before my ooo day tomorrow, I collated the few logo designs for EN and sent them to EN bosses to decide based on which one they like, and the print finish plus shirt layout for it.
(I think we can close this by Friday ba) I went home to do a chatlog review because Papadom has this habit of anyhow parking the training data to the wrong intents… When I went through her file, I do have some items that I changed leh, thank god I didn’t leave this task to her to manage on her own!
18 August, Thursday | I woke up this morning feeling not too bad since our reporting time is 9.50 am at City House. Char and I planned to meet at 9.30 am at Telok Ayer MRT, met along the way at Bugis, and arrived just in time to walk over!
We found the place and wah, it is really nice! But we are a bit noob, don’t know how to use the lift.

After selecting the floor, it will tell us which elevator to proceed to. It’s quite cool and there are no buttons for the floors in the lift, just open and close buttons (is it I noob?)
When we got to Level 19, what I really like was the layout of the discussion/pantry area! There are many tables, and booths all around. I think it’s ideal to be able to move to other areas to work, helps me focus better than sitting the whole day at my desk.
(will take picture of the place the next time)
We took the OGP tote bag and pin, then sat down at one of the discussion areas, and one of the in charge, S came to say hello to this!
While we were chatting, someone from PE Office called me and we have a brief discussion. She demanded that I read the email from my boss at xxx am, it was so ridiculous la. I am out of the office for HealthTech Sprint, she still wants me to read my email now…
We went to the Rojak room for the opening talk, introductions, and planned workshops! I don’t like situations where I have to open my mouth, but no choice since we all needed to do self-introduction. I shared that I don’t have much tech background, but I manage chatbot content and also like designing. Hopefully, I don’t sound arrogant or turn-off.
I am quite taken aback by what the intern shared about herself LOL. She seems pretty proud that she is an intern and got the chance to be at this Sprint event! She said she joined the institution for 1 month plus only, and asked if anyone is an intern in this room. She then proceeds to say “I’m probably the youngest here" while gesturing to herself.
It was 冷场.
We also have a section where we have to put down our goals, like what we hope to change or improve, on post-its. Not sure if the intern just has nothing she wants to change in terms of processes etc due to the lack of healthcare background, or she just has no brain…
We all wrote things like “reduce AR”, “change xxxx”, and the intern wrote things like “(product of hosting organisation) needs to improve their image resolution bla bla bla”
It seems like she just wants to criticize their products, this is not the time to feedback about their products, it is the time to look into what changes we envision.
As her supervisor, P helped to cover up for her by saying we created the site and also did so and so, we hope we can get the hosting organisation’s expertise to improve our work!
Toilet break is fun too:

Our lunch came late because the person who ordered, forgot to change the location for delivery HAHAHA. Our mentor(s) will be joining us for lunch, I saw our mentor’s name on the slides and for a moment, errrr wait, is it the guy with the same surname as me?
Our main mentor, KC joined us for lunch and he seems really nice la! He was very helpful when I emailed my enquiries previously (if it is him even).
The intern went to ask what school did our mentor graduate from, while she looked proud in her SMU tee. When our mentor shared that he graduated from xxx University, the intern immediately seemed uninterested as it is not a local University?? (RUDE)
Then he continued to ask what she studied, when she heard both of them did Business, she again ignored him (since her degree was more prestigious than his??)
(K asked me after that when I updated her on this, “why you never tell her you are from NUS?”)
After lunch, KC brought us to join their company’s “Lunch and Learn”, I quite like this concept!!!!!
Then after that, we went to Level 2 to get our free coffee woohoo. I love how the whole place looks, we got our drinks and really just chat about work, work-related things, etc.
The workshops are not bad, but personally, I found them a little fast-paced especially when we need to create or do testing. Maybe because in such settings, I have to help out those who have not tried or explain things to Char. I felt quite unproductive and frustrated by our pace…
(maybe I work better, alone?)
The whole idea of the Sprint is to learn their products and receive their support so definitely we have to work on things, even after today to make the most out of the next session!
Later part of day 1 of Sprint, we discussed it with our mentor! They asked to find out more about our use cases and provided some suggestions to help us out and firm up our plans too.

When we reached the topic on the website builder, I shared that our CIO/ IT hasn’t cleared us to build our billing services page. Although we know we can’t embed our bot on the site, both we hope we can in the future la.
I also showed them our webpage and explain the UI is not very intuitive, and not easy to locate where to click next.
The intern suddenly said “ACTUALLY I DON’T SEE WHY WE NEED IT (their product) for this”, explaining that there is no purpose in setting up this site using this product.
She shared the page built on the new site, there are still a lot of links that linked back to our original page. She simply duplicates the information over, without thinking of remodeling, so of course la…
The website builder Ops staff, Shaz gave us some suggestions on how to improve and whose site we can visit to reference their work.
(We had a funny moment over my MacBook screen jerking back, and he apologised, we all laughed)
I noticed the intern didn’t seem keen to make the changes and wasn’t really listening. I think it may be because she experienced many roadblocks and felt disheartened la, but then we are all here to learn and improve. She doesn’t seem to have the right attitude…
I tried to wrap things up by saying “thank you so much for sharing with us. I think these are good points that we can work on and improve”.
When we wrapped up our work discussions, I casually asked the people there about their work laptops, “do yall get MacBooks for work?”. They shared that yes, is given by the company. Their MacBook pro is the grey version some more!!!!!
The intern joined in and said she looking for a full-time job and is keen to work here. Their response is to go check out if there are any openings and go apply (no referral, I guess? Or they don’t want to refer her)
But they always hiring interns, if she doesn’t mind. They also mentioned they hire part-timers, but they have to bring their own laptops.
The intern pushed again, and said she really seeking for a full-time job!
(seems quite desperate)
Background story: the intern asked for an additional Zoom session to clarify some of her doubts. She ended up asking if there is full-time employment at our hospital + at cluster institutions.
I don’t get how she thinks la, she isn’t very kind and flames them for the products then now she expects them to hire her.
She completely steered this conversation…
We had to save the situation many times because she keeps saying inappropriate things whenever she likes (HELPS)
While we were walking to Marina Square, I saw J calling me. It must be about work I can already guess. It is indeed about work, as there is an unreasonable mother who demanded a refund after her mother paid the bill for her grandchild. The charges are correct, so I am quite puzzled by how nasty she is to our staff…
“aiya, send me. Tomorrow we settle”
Char and I went to Rolling Rice for dinner then headed to Dal.komm Coffee to plan our Korea trip🍁
19 August, Friday | Following J’s update of an unreasonable mother last evening, I saw the case info this morning! I have other more urgent things so I am leaving the draft to later.
I saw there are a few emails on PCP and EDTU set up, I got no time to go process it now so moving them to another folder, will deal with those later.
(too many items in the “later” bucket, I realised)
W and I started discussing the compensation case on Wednesday! She told me we got more information now, including the call recording and PDPA Secretariat replied to us that there’s no breach (thank god!)
I wanted to work on this draft, then W called me over to discuss some parts. She already drafting it!!!! She really damn steady, I love~
We also discussed WFH plans for the team! Apparently, Sleeping P went to approach W on this, that she really wants to WFH. While Faridah told me she wants because of her husband’s medical condition, then later she told W she doesn’t want to WFH (HUH????). We have to prep administratively and also need to arrange a session to communicate to staff about the arrangement and agreement!
I saw Ivy’s email highlighting there is more than 1 Virtual card for 2 staff, in fact for one of them, she has 2 existing cards already. Upon clarification with CY, Ivy, and the new admin, HN, it is confirmed that this particular staff will have 3 VCs! I always have to go find information for the queries and then go close all the loops (effort much)
MY MIND IS ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!!!! I note down to check this or follow up on that, but then forgot to do them altogether… Some action items are checking for the cases we are handling etc.
I went to the toilet and suddenly remembered I have not sent the finalised design for EN Logo to my boss, plus committee boss #2 and this other AD in the email loop. I quickly spoke to my boss and sent the transparent background versions in banner and regular logo size! (now my colleagues are calling me CDO liao, thanks to my boss for planting the idea of Chief Design Officer)
I almost completely forgot about my MP appeal letter leh, then I quickly started drafting and making sure we are managing the appeal the right way! Now, waiting for a social worker to confirm if the plan is good to go before I send the letter for vetting.
Then, I moved on to draft the refund demand case and cleared it with W, but held on to the draft and told Sleeping P to send it out on Monday instead.
After my two staff subtle but not subtle push, I can no longer hold the WFH application for them. W forwarded me the letter of undertaking and I sent over the application document for her to review on Monday morning!
8 Degrees Taiwanese Bistro with YS!
Then where next? Rachel says she wants to drink:D
No idea where this place is, but I love the vibes!
Especially when they played 敢爱敢做 and later, the live music includes 嘉宾!
It is the perfect Friday I need to end the week 💖
Not sure somehow YS and I have endless things to talk about, whether is about work, family, or whatever. The biggest takeaway from the cluster chatbot project is YS!
22 August, Monday | So fast it is Monday again?! Felt like I just went to work yesterday, or maybe because I really did - I was doing the CheckFirst testing last afternoon!
The day begins with settling our core work matters and also the WFH discussion – planned for this afternoon. However, W’s husband isn’t well and has to take care of their 2 sick grandchildren, so I told her to take the rest of the day off, we can reschedule this session.
I called the social worker in charge of the appeal case and settled this part of it, so glad I can send my appeal letter draft for vetting YASSSS (guess it is closed on time hehe)
I finally met Clau for lunch today, been so long!
I think my boss is quite occupied for the day, so I offered to confirm his schedule and also booked the room for meeting, send out meeting invites on his behalf too.
(I’m really like a secretary horrrrr)
Today, I managed to look through the enhanced document submission Form and gave my comments after speaking to Papadom. We also did a small gossip talk about the intern hahaha
I always believe there are no such things as free lunch. As long as you put in the effort, hard work will never betray you. It is the same for the corporate world, people can steal your work to claim credit but they can never steal your experience and skills.
If you don’t put in the effort, then you will learn nothing from this lor!
At 4ish pm, Edna approved my MP appeal letter, so printing and admin matters need to be sorted out before my working hours end.
I also have drafts to clear for today, haish…
Project matters really happen 500 times a week… I saw an email from K3’s admin, asking about mileage. Upon clarification, I realised she is asking if there is any claim system for doctors who drive. I think she must be thinking my office handles all these corporate billing, and probably have some corporate plan for staff. We serve patients, we don’t serve staff, it just happens that I manage this project LOL N is also asking about the portal and about transport policy matters which I have to check with Finance. Wah I don’t know is it they plan to ask questions together one!
There is also another interested party for the corporate billing project leh! I have no time to finish crafting my reply to her… PANG GANG!
I left with J and K, they walked with me to go post out the reply letter then made our way to the train station.
Some rude sai missed the deadline to register his interest for Night Cycling, we already closed the registration last week liao, he still can email me this:

*roll eyes to another galaxy*
I saw an email from HN, and she sounded somewhat unkind toward Ivy so I called to clarify what her concerns are la, then replied all the loops and provided her screenshots of how the invoice/billing document will look (to help with her anxiety).
Then I worked on drafts and cleared the other emails sitting in my inbox. I also emailed Ann to check on the mileage question. I swear I always receive nonsense queries and have no choice but to entertain them. Ann replied in the afternoon, but I didn’t have to reply the person who asked this question.
There is also a new MP letter, then I put together the information first before reaching out to KY on this, while listening to eFC meeting.
Shortly after, it’s time for lunch le but then it was raining heavily outside so we decided to just eat cup noodles in the office. It was not bad until D talked too much and too loudly…
My boss sent over the IVF FC file ah, I almost fainted la. I tried to look through it and build the eligibility checker. I planned to work on the checker when J and I go for open safe duties. This is when I get some quiet time as Char definitely will look for me to ask questions, I got no time to answer them now.
We went to buy the medicine W needed but waited quite long, THE COUNTER LOOKS CLOSED?

J decided to approach someone there! We managed to buy it, I used card payment, so had to dig in my piggy bank to find the change to return W hahaha
We haven’t gone back to our office yet, I saw there is another MP appeal case for FDW. It is a known case by Papadom, so she very soon replied to Edna on the case. Edna told us to draft an interim email to the MP, but I don’t understand is it she going to send it or if we help to send it on her behalf…
I went back to my desk and finished up the interim email and MP letter, will do a check tomorrow before sending it for the levels of clearance.
W also approached me on the reply letter, so I put Mr. V reply letter content into the letter format and agreed to do a Grammarly check this evening!
I continued with the setup and then it is time for Yoga class le!
24 August, Wednesday | Other than clearing emails, I spent my time trying to figure out the logic for the eligibility checker for co-funding, to no avail…
Faridah took PM AL today as she needed to attend family conference to discuss her husband’s medical care. While we were working, she suddenly said something to me, I heard “cannot” but didn’t catch her point. I noticed her eyes are a little red so I spoke to her together with J. Faridah started breaking down…
I think her husband’s health affected her a lot and we just stayed with her for 10 minutes to offer the support she needed.
At 11.30 am, we made a move to Meeting Rooms at L6 for our EN catch up session. I am surprised that everyone is so supportive! They offered to help out for night cycling, and going for the recee, GDLL!!!!!! (things feel a little funny with Buffy, but not in bad way?)
The meeting ended at 12.30pm and my Whopper with Cheese Burger is on my desk liao YASSSS. I also ate some snacks from the pantry heh
Earlier today, I got the FDW MP appeal case reply letter ready and cleared. Edna approved the reply letter and email reply to MP. I settled the printing part and was so anxious and worried because need to cc C-suite in the email reply!
After getting that done, I moved on to project things! (really never ending…)
I made payment for the mooncake event for fatfat and I, and transferred the money to my boss. I used Postman to send out the event reminder email to participants, I love how we can customise that easily and I don’t have to manually reply 20 pax.
After having liaised with the vendor once before, I know and quickly sent the list of attendees and their particulars, to the vendor!
At 4 pm, Char went up to fit her jacket size already so Siti and I went together. J told me to jio Ali to go up, we got to L6 and there is a queue for the ladies sobs
(I called my boss since no queue for men)
The fitting auntie gave me ‘M’ but then I am unable to button because of the size of my boobs, I asked for ‘L’! Everyone will get 2x the cluster jacket, it is not pretty la but okay lo, can wear in office heh
J and K fitted their jacket size when they went for open safe duties, J very kaypoh and asked what size I got. J asked why I didn’t take ‘M’ size, I told her “我的胸没有位” while picking up my print job (quite a distance from where she is), she laughed and quickly shhh me, in case the males in my office hear it HAHAHA. Later I told K this story when she asked me about my jacket size!
As both my staff are not in today, I thought I should try to help out by sending out investigation emails for the new feedbacks we received today. At least we can get the ball rolling the soonest.
The intern suddenly came to ask me about the form logic, as I was the one who suggested to remove one of the fields when x and y conditions are met. She said she don’t know how, so I offered to check it up for her. I took quite long leh, but then it is not so straightforward since we need to use “AND”.
I have to rush off soon, so will relook at it on Friday instead, we will be out for Day 2 of Sprint tomorrow! Wonder what’s waiting for us✨
I ordered horfun from nearby my workplace and rushed over to Grandma’s!
25 August, Thursday | I wanted to grab nice breakfast before we report for the Sprint at City House, since we rarely get to report for work later (at close to 10 am)! Char and I met earlier at 9 am for Paris Baguette breakfast:
We are holding our coffees and making our way up for the Sprint:

Day 2 of the Sprint began with morning workshops on Forms and sgID, we tried out their more advanced functions on Forms. We also got the opportunity to hear about their Health Appointment System which I took a separate discussion session with Jan on this, and over lunch (free Wok Hey) too.
(We couldn’t get a demo for this, sobs)
Currently, the product is piloting and Jan is keen to hear more on our use cases, I will have to write to him when I am back in the office tomorrow!
We went to grab drinks from L2 then headed back up for the afternoon building/creating session.
We started first by asking about the checkers we built, and it seems like this product is built in a very unique way, the coding isn’t universal. We needed their engineer to come by but he isn’t free to see us…
While waiting for help to arrive, we don’t want to wait around so we found help from other people, but they also couldn’t figure it out. We made more conversation with the website tech guy, he told us he is 27.7 years old haha, so now Char calls him korkor (behind his back).
KC was so busy helping out our team with creating the waiver form, he could only glance at us a few times to see if it can be worked out.

The engineer finally arrived and he managed to help us add in the ‘$’ to the response by correcting the syntax YAY
He also reviewed the other checker I was developing, and told me to use ifelse to combine the 12/13 conditions I created in the form.
OH DEAR, I have no clue how to put them together, is this excel or programming? Who can I ask for help from??
Some other participant at the Sprint managed to condense tables of information/values into a single ifelse statement and the checker worked! He gave me a few words of advice but I am still quite lost, helps…
KC offered to help me look at it, if he can find some time to try it out. He is very sweet and helpful, but I feel bad to add more work to his plate…
Even after dinner and accoms booking for Korea trip, I worked on the ifelse statements but still couldn’t get it to work…
It is hard on me because I am not a quitter, but maybe now, quitting is the right thing to do…
Inserting Sprint photo taken today:

26 August, Friday | I am back to the office today, with a lot of emails!!!!!!!

I didn’t know my boss is doing a briefing today at 8 am, I came at 8.33 am so I joined belatedly at 8.37 am, and only caught the part of our PBS webpage (which I already knew). I will need to go catch up on the other items shared earlier, separately!
My boss came to my desk to ask about the printed letter for Mr. V, as I was preparing to go upstairs for WFH discussion with my team. We had the discussion at 11 am and ended at about 11.40 am, not sure what took so long. I need to follow up on the form and letter of undertaking too!
I printed the reply letter for Mr. V then went for lunch at Chicken Rice place! It’s so good!!!
On our way back from our lunch, I met Stan in the lift and remembered I have not replied Stan on the enquiry on the transport guidelines for corporate billing program… I quickly came back and sent it, as well as replied the administrator who asked about mileage.
(I got the info on Tuesday, oops)
I saw R from PE Office sent the same MP appeal case in 3 separate emails, and she never ever gets any dates or details right…
We have delinking of subsidy meeting today at 2pm, but I was barely listening… I was drafting the email to Jan to share our use cases for Health Appointment System! I took so long to put together the essay hahaha
After deliberation, think it is better to loop in KC since he is our mentor at the Sprint!
I also drafted the email to explain my use case but can’t figure out the IFELSE part… KC is super nice about it:

As my day was filled with clearing pending items, sending out important emails, I did not have the time to vet any of the drafts or work on the new appeal cases ):
I will chiong my appeal letters on Monday!
I am excited about the Mooncake-making event (taking part in it) but super worried if anything goes wrong, or if the conversations with my boss will be weird in the car. I wasn’t looking forward to it… However, things turned out better than expected!!!!!
With XY around, the conversations were less awkward! We went there to eat MingFa before entering the baking studio.
The product 😍

Funny moment at the workshop:
The instructor, MH is looking for ‘Rachel’ since Rachel was the one who made the booking for this workshop! She asked if I have any debrief items so I told her to ask the 老板while gesturing to my boss. Then I shared that the previous time, he went to speak to the staff. MH started laughing and told me, she didn’t know it was him. As my boss was dressed differently, the studio was waiting for a contractor to come and they mistook my boss for the contractor HAHAHA
27 August, Saturday | Dad did not tell us the plan properly and so Mom told us to leave house at 10 am for the association’s 八月初一lunch buffet, when we got there, the place isn’t set up yet…
The worst thing was the Bus 125 we rushed to board in 8 minutes (walk from home to bus stop) is breaking down???! The aircon wasn’t working and the driver couldn’t drive fast, so we were baking in the bus!!!!!!!
The outside air is cooler than in the bus!?!
We decided to drop by Asylum Coffeehouse – we happened to pass by, it was a good choice!
(the staff in brown top still tried to ✌🏻 in my photo after that)
We went home to do our nails woohoo, and take a break before I need to leave house again for cycling recee. It started looking gloomy… Cycling plans postponed, I went swimming with Sis instead! I am in love with goggles with degrees setting – I CAN SEE SO WELL!!!!
(It started pouring at 440 pm at my place)
28 August, Sunday | Lundly met at MBS for Hai Di Lao! We always have steamboat for our birthday celebrations
Sharing the only photo I took of food:

A pity we didn’t take picture of us together on this day of celebration!
29 August, Monday | It is one of the most tiring Mondays because I have about 5 open appeals to follow up on!!!!!! I don’t even have the time to work on other things, because once I am done settling this part of the appeal, I need to work on the other…
(No time to even sigh la)
I called Stan on the transport claim problem for home to meeting place, and he went on and on about the policy, basically not giving a clear yes or no… Why talk to Finance colleagues, so tiring one… He asked me to check with the staff then bring it back to him for discussion
(why Stan cannot just talk to her directly?)
I spoke to HN to find out her use case for “home to meeting place” and then she understands, she also updated me that their current IO has enough $$$ to fund their transport until X (unknown, HN needs to do a projection and let us know hah). I need her to confirm this tomorrow, as we have already set the suspension of cards a few days ago :p
Ivy confirmed they can adjust but there should be a downtime (hopefully it is quite a short period of time)
I am insane hahaha, I ordered Beef Chili Fries ($10) to eat during the show – INVITATION!
We thought it was the thriller kinda horror show, like getting hunted by a killer those kind, BUT IT WAS ABOUT VAMPIRES??!?! The fear and jump scares earlier during the movie, vanished HAHAHA
Featuring My New Nail look 💙

(and also featuring McDonald’s Fries)
30 August, Tuesday | I suddenly remembered the pickled salad I ordered to support FIN-AM on their fundraising initiative, and decided to enjoy it as a $5 breakfast:

In today’s eFC meeting, they are sharing there will not be any mapping of TOSP in eFC new system, so users have to maintain the service codes to TOSPs in eFC system (as SM maintains a whole list of services, mapped individually to TOSPs). WAH HOW AH??!!
It is another day filled with working on appeal cases, really very 没有空
The good thing is for the FDW case, I do not need to do a written follow-up for the appeal outcome, so less work heh
We printed one approved letter today, but for another case, we are not so lucky because my boss wants to do a means test for the family and help to downgrade the daughter’s bill. I am getting my colleague from PA to call and find out. If she qualifies, I have a lot of follow-ups to work on leh. But it will also be good if we can help the family la.
There is another case where we need the son’s Birth Certificate to merge the case, in order to resubmit for MediShield Life coverage. BUT THE THING IS, the son passed away the day after his birth, so I don’t really know how to approach the mother on this…
Then a new case came, FML!
pad thai and mama noodles 😋
I am feeling so hungry and even ordered an additional side of Fried Omelette:

Then we ordered Starbucks (instigated by K) because we got a department meeting later after my boss finishes the Healthier SG briefing for the whole office.
I noticed my boss can’t pronounce “pronged” HAHAHA
Our extended department meeting was really just discussing the upcoming implementation taking place on 1 September 2022. I also gave them a brief update that Ben has left, so we will be working with the new PM for the chatbot project!
(might be a good thing, actually haha)
After the meeting, Faridah highlighted that the (before-after bill amount) =/= refund amount by $1.12. W and I came back to our desks and started digging into this.
In between this, my boss is scrambling to reschedule the delivery date and time for the hamper to Mr. V, since the attempt earlier was unsuccessful. I called Mr. V twice today to discuss what time works for him, and if we can provide his number to the delivery guy. Thankfully, he is agreeable and nice about it!
(Please also don’t come back to dispute further 🙏🏻)
After W and Faridah left work for the day, I found out it was the cancellation of 1 qty of a drug service… (Why not picked up by Faridah in the first place? Plus why we not informed)
YOGA class for my physical health and mental wellness ✌🏻
31 August, Wednesday | I realised I am back to spending most of my time sorting out all the appeal cases! Not sure if that is a good thing, Faridah is unable to cover me…
I saw Jan replied to me on the Appointment Booking Product and he said he would like to find out more about the use cases! I think I should loop in JC + Papadom to better share our use cases! (I must not forget to reply to this)
I took PM leave today for my beauty appointment and also on the way, went shopping around. Should I get this denim dress?
