1 Aug, Thursday | I swapped my WFH day to tomorrow as I wanted to prepare for the wedding from home, so I went the office today and finished the four remaining files 💪🏻
I was also working with Audiologist for the CI EBS request, and settling the new oncology cases DED
2 August, Friday | Requested to change WFH to Friday so that I can get ready from home, for Jooee’s Wedding!!!! (happened that all three of us were home working, it felt low key like a weekend HAHA)
Magnetic Lashes, game on 💪🏻

I met Natalie first before we entered the Hotel!
(Park Royal, Marina is 😍)
Joo ordered some desserts for her guests so we didn’t have to starve waiting for the dinner. Of course, Natalie and I ate (:

JL (+1) and LW joined us later and we had a good catch-up throughout~
The wedding game was based on luck and I won! I am more focused on why they used such an old and not updated picture of how I look now:
We all still had fun laughing at this, and why waste it when Natalie and I can couple couple heh
I also met Belle and Joe at Joo’s wedding so here is our picture!

(I am also invited to their house and I can’t wait to visit!!!)
Watching them dancing and so madly in love, is the highlight!

We kept trying to catch Joo to take a group picture but JL’s +1 is terrible at taking pictures…

Uni squad Shenanigans
3 August, Saturday | 宝贝 found an interesting place to visit – the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre! There is a unique fusion dining place, Cherki:

Happy 3 months to us!
We joined their free tour and also did one round of exploring together! It is an interesting place to visit and we can go back with a personal card:

I don’t think I look good in this picture, but I can tell he put in a lot of effort and always want to take photos for me, so here we go!

(I like my hair)
I was planning on going home after this, then he suggested to go Bay East Garden (need to walk about 30 mins from nearest MRT) to see fireworks! Then he saw what I was wearing and sounded disappointed because we can’t see fireworks together today ):
(My house quite near)
I suggested that I go home and change my shoes + outfit and we can still get there before sunset!!!!! Then he finally smiled hehe, so cute!
While I went to get changed and returned in shorts and tee, he bought us popiah and tea for our fireworks adventure!
We walked along the path (I had come here cycle before) and found a suitable seat to eat and drink before he went camping at an ideal spot to capture fireworks with Singapore’s skyline.

Besides taking pictures of fireworks and with us in them, we also enjoyed the little moments of us just admiring fireworks together!
(He joked about my hair looking like 古代😂)
He has so many good pictures from today and I am only going to showcase this:

5 August, Monday | I am keeping the CI request finalization on hold until I find out more on the workflow. No time to lose, quickly complete MIC analysis using sandbox cases and arrange a call with my bosses tomorrow.
Braseiro with Lundly!!
6 August, Tuesday | When I was done MIC version 2 findings, I need to work on the follow up actions after a Teams call with my bosses, by changing some figures for PM. Then I found out the UAT system is not showing the adjusted amount for EBS as I projected the change would be. After pulling out the UAT FC data to check, I realised that the recent migration did not port over the updated Production data ):
I extracted all the updated data and reloaded it over to UAT, it was tedious and manual but necessary.
7 August, Wednesday | I didn’t have a great morning because I saw the email from one of the doctors.
She didn’t even put my name in the email, and started off with HI. She sounded frustrated that I asked for similar patient cases or people we can reference for the new type cancer, but if she is a doctor and she doesn’t know what will the treatment entail, how would I (as a mere admin staff) know?
Then another estimation case came, asking for estimate for PBT with GA support and 1 week admission. I was busy running around finding relevant information to help work out the estimation needed.
8 August, Thursday | My boss approved the estimation I proposed for PBT and 1-week admission, however, the doctor said we should let the respective PHI counsel the cost as mine was half of what she heard it would cost.
Then my boss later on also agreed, but he was the one who approved my proposed plans leh, and if no need me to estimate the cost, then why they send the request to me in the first place?
It is a waste of my time la, I am so angry!!!!!!!
Thankfully today I WFH if not I would have scolded someone at work.
This morning cleared chatbot meeting and then followed up with H’s duties as he is on 3 days leave over the long holidays.
Fufu Pot with YT

Then we went to grab some snacks for my NDP event date tomorrow and drinks at City Hall!
9 August, Friday | NDP outfit:

(he said the red is not Singapore’s flag, Poland ah)
宝贝 and I met up at 4 ish pm to grab some food for later, and not sure why he insisted on getting loaf bread but we did.
As there was a lightning alert, we could only enter Capita Spring at 6ish pm, we ate our “dinner” downstairs:

Then we got our drinks – Gin with Coke! I had a few sips and put it down as he said to avoid cold drinks especially when my period is coming soon, and he finished his entire drink (I guess he likes Gin with Coke!)
The view of the parade:

The best I took of the fireworks:

And here is 宝贝’s

After the event, he did not want to go home and wanted to walk together! I figured he wanted to spend more time together (maybe because I said we were watching fireworks separately today, so I am quite sad).
And we didn’t eat much of the snacks I brought, he must be hungry already so in the end, I suggested to go Paya Lebar for late dinner. He doesn’t want fastfood and at 9ish, most restaurants are ready to close for the day, we ended up at 89.7 Supper Club!
He ordered Maggie Goreng and I had Masala Thosai (too full to finish), and then he walked me home!
(then we met at MRT again as we both forgot to pass half loaf of the bread we bought earlier 😂)
10 August, Saturday | We got up early for a long day of dating hehe
Brunch at Merci Marcel Tiong Bahru

Glass Roasters at Seng Poh Lane


She came late this morning as she was busy curling her hair, I say it is worth it!
Field Notes

Warm tea!
We did a lot of walking today in an attempt to burn more calories so that we can intake more 😂
(endless power walking)
Lucca’s Trattoria
宝贝 knows that I will be going out with Grace today and mentioned drinking (because I always drink when I hang out with her)

and she wonders how she earned the reputation of always drinking HAHAHA
11 August, Sunday | BABY ELIJAH’S 1ST:

I got to speak to Pastor more and meet some other friends of 宝贝, it was overall quite a good function. After this, 宝贝 and I went to grab drinks and Kaya Toast at Fun Toast before we went home.
According to Fat Fat, I came home and sat down and started sobbing with a lot of sorrow.
Honestly, I think it was a small matter but somehow triggered this huge emotional meltdown (for me) and I think he knows he did something wrong already…
I felt that at times, he and I were not compatible, or rather I don't understand him well. The day before when he made plans for today, he didn't mention he would be attending service before the party, when we arranged the time to meet. When I prompted more, he also didn't mention. So I didn't think it was service and on the bus, he made an unkind remark (why I didn't ask or didn't think)
He was gone the whole morning and I was confused and uninformed. This sobbing mess also was an add-up from yesterday’s events of “turning to faith for support, instead of getting assurance from my partner”
Then I started wondering if we are compatible ):
He apologised and agreed that we still have many things to know about each other, and he was concerned and considerate towards my feelings (a lot for the rest of the day). I guess we 和好了?
12 August, Monday | Productive day as I cleared three appeal letters! I was covering duties for the whole of today and did none of my own work ):
13 August, Tuesday | I can’t remember what I was doing at work today as I am just too happy that 宝贝 and I had lunch together!!!!!!!!!
Starting having flu while at work, J gave me flu medicine and told me to go home and rest more.
14 August, Wednesday | I was having flu and experiencing headaches, not that I couldn’t go to work but I decided to take SLWOMC to rest.
15 August, Thursday | As my laptop is in the office, I can’t work from home today so I went to the office. It was a mad rush with lots of things to clear (cannot breathe sia)
16 August, Friday | WFH!!!! Now I quite enjoy working from home on Fridays HEHE
17 August, Saturday | I had lunch with Fat Fat then went to City Hall to grab some snacks from Shine Korea Supermarket before meeting 宝贝 at Sembawang MRT. He carried my huge bag of groceries while we made our way to CG session (it has been 3-4 weeks since the previous session)
After the session, we were on our way to dinner and he was constantly bothered by his tooth/gum health so I figured out we should go home, after eating.
Jiak Mee MHK at Bishan

Before we parted, he apologised that he couldn’t spend more time with me today (cute cute)
18 August, Sunday | It was a rather unfruitful day as YT and I did not buy anything despite our shopping adventure. The only thing great was BKT!!!
19 August, Monday | After work, I went for my beauty appointment and the damage is 2.8K for more wishpro capsules 😢
(they are good and I want pretty skin everywhere hehe)
I got Korean ramen at Novena Kopitham at 9ish pm then headed home.
20 August, Tuesday | (missing content)
21 August, Wednesday | I helped look through PR cases this morning and coordinated some of the investigations. Then I got a call from Eye Centre regarding the EBS data for DS cases, I immediately started working on extracting the data, I did so for DS Eye and IR!
Hopefully can finish these two in the week and upload them!
I told 宝贝 which workshop (for wellness) I wanted to attend and he said he will attend with me, but March is not a good period as he will most likely be busy with closing work. Then I suggested that he go for another workshop (no need attend the same class as me), pick what he is interested in and I also commented on what others I found interesting.
“then I go make for u Lego flower”
(He is so sweet la)
I almost forgot to collect my bento I bought to support charitable causes, and brought it to Tekka market to have lunch with J and K 🤣
I managed to complete the DS Eye file YAY
(tomorrow chiong the other file, and Friday can start on the Dental Fee Revision work)
The not-so-good but eventual news: Dental fee creep is here 😭😭 😭😭
I went for hair and scalp treatment and also got my hair cut short ):

Goodbye, long hair
22 August, Thursday | Today WFH seems extra happy because Fat fat is home too (on MC tho)!
23 August, Friday | I started on Dental fee creep work so that I wouldn’t be too stressed out next week, but then realised I need the price file from Finance to ensure the amounts I update are correct :/
They also need some time to prepare the file, so I should receive it on Tuesday, should be enough time for me to do a second check!
As I was working on the counselling amounts, I realised some inconsistency of 0.2 and 0.35 in different settings, it was confirmed an error in set up… (can ah)
I wasn’t feeling well today so decided to go home and rest, instead of visiting Belle’s house ):
24 August, Saturday | We had to specially block out our schedule today to grab some winter clothes from Dad’s office, on a side note, the red bean pao is so nice!!!
25 August, Sunday | It was our first service together 💕
(it is a pity we didn’t take any pictures together on this special day)
It was special for me because we had never been to service together and it was special for him because this was the first time he sat with someone special to him at service (hehehe)
Porridge life

While we were drinking tea at Koufu, he suddenly mentioned buying mooncake for my parents, so eventually, we planned to visit both our parents on 8 September!
(scared dao)
After I got home, I found that there was a clinic open in the afternoon and rushed over to see a doctor. I got a bill of $68, 1 bag full of medication and 1 day MC.
26 August, Monday | I slept a lot today and binge-watched Ms Night and Day!!!!!
(still did some Dental work but I can’t)
27 August, Tuesday | Back to work, I need the 103% focus to work on Dental fee revisions and ended my work day close to 7 pm.
I contemplated a lot and felt maybe being honest and upfront is better, so I decided to speak up to my parents about faith! They took it quite well and I felt relieved (:
(hope they got the message that I also share the same faith)
28 August, Wednesday | I don’t have much time today as in the afternoon, a few of my colleagues and I will be out for an external function/event! I was rushing all the uploading work, so that tomorrow I can work from home without any disruption or work handicap heh

(There is sushi leh)
We were done about 3 pm and we decided to work until 4 pm at Paris Baguette, before heading off for our plans. I went home to wfh until 6 pm then went out for dinner with secondary school friends!!!
Mary will be leaving for HK on 31st for her further studies, we came to catch up with her and spend time together before she goes.

It was an awesome catch-up for all of us!!!!!
29 August, Thursday | WFH followed by Fame’s birthday celebration (surprise) at My Little Spanish Place!

30 August, Friday | Random Lunch with Intern today, she is 8 years younger than me leh, shook!!!!
The greatest achievement today is that I figured out the IR amounts!!!! I noticed the values are off and realised later that they have their own facility fees (happy that I learned something today)
I am wondering how much no change in IR facility fees since 2017 (sus)
Fat fat and I went for lash lift then dinner, before we went to shop for my clothes!
(we forgot to tell mom we are not eating at home today, oops)
31 August, Saturday | Today is the last cell group session before my trip to Switzerland, and next Saturday we planned to go toConey Island to cycle (but I think I am gonna bail). I met 宝贝 at Sembawang MRT before we headed over.
While walking to the bus stop, he told me that he would be on projector duty tomorrow, he needed to help click the slides and I would have to sit by myself for service.
It was quite an emotional moment for me because I came to attend service with him for the first time last week and I know no one else, other than people from the same cell group. There is always this morning greeting segment where everyone says hi to everyone, and I cannot imagine doing this without him next to me. It will be probably awkward and uncomfortable for me for the rest of the service, but it seems like I have to deal with it…
I started dissociating instead of my usual self (always asking questions, holding his hand), I didn’t look at him, he held my hand when we started crossing the road and asked if I was tired or my throat hurt, is that why I was not responding or saying much
I think he sensed that he was in trouble and later I felt bad for putting him through stress and decided to patch things, up with little hugs and being my usual self again.
I have always liked holding his hand and caressing him with my thumb, he caught my thumb a few times today and held me in place (on the train). I found this cute hehe
We had dinner at some dim sum place, I found the food bu cuo but he doesn’t like it tho. We are excited to visit HK together next year and eat dim sum every day!!!!
After he sent me home, I think it was something he had been thinking about all day, would I feel uncomfortable if he is not by me at service tomorrow?
Then he stayed up past midnight, worrying about my feelings and suggested that I don’t attend tomorrow, or pull a chair next to him (which I think I will feel weirder).
I never liked doing things to please others, what I care more about is what I want to do and what I want in my life. This is one of the moments, which I cannot choose what I want to do, but deal with whatever is thrown my way. I worry that if I don’t show up this time (after coming once), it will look bad for my 宝贝.
I still decided to go and hear the message, and pray that I will get through whatever social challenges tomorrow.