1 December, Thursday | Today is Day 3 of Juice Cleanse, I think I am going to sua and eat dinner normally hahaha!
After clearing some of my emails, I have a 9 am meeting to discuss the discharge timing problem/BMS:

Then at 1.30 pm, we got an HHHB discussion with the 2 other institutions! I was so ready to fight Tiger Brows (as she wanted major changes that I didn’t agree with last week), but in the end, she was full-on supportive and things were smooth sailing!
She also mentioned that if I need her to join in for the SHS Kick-Off to back me up, let her know and she will be there! Wah she very steady worrrrr
I added the content and trained HHHB FAQ, but the answers are not accurate, or the bot not picking up this at all. IDK HOW TO SORT OUT THIS PRECISION PROBLEM!!!!!!
Tomorrow I am on AM FCL (to see the Dentist actually), so I got to stay up late to watch LOVE NAGGERS ✌🏻
2 December, Friday | I was on AM FCL today, but the actual agenda was to go for my Dental appointment! Dr Chung didn’t do a really good job for my teeth cleaning, I had to return to see him after paying as there was some plaque stuck between my middle lower teeth.
I am not paying $140++, and later $98 for whitening to have something stuck between…
Dr. Chung did some further cleaning and thank god, now I look like I have better oral and gum health!
I bought Starbucks on my way and also grabbed their instant Caramel Latte for Faridah since her son got her the wrong ones recently.

I have half a day and the truth is, there are many stuff to settle leh! While I was busy hustling, BK came up to me to say someone wants to meet me. It is a girl/female.
(wah don’t scare le la, WHO SIA)
I met a new friend, Dora! She was quite sure she saw me before, but I was never in any of the schools she mentioned, nor was I at any of the Church she went to! HUH SO MAYBE SHE REMEMBERED WRONGLY? I got the 大众脸, can you blame her for being confused?
We had a good time chatting, nevertheless! She doesn’t want to give up and tried checking on Facebook, we have a few mutual friends, and BOOM!
We saw each other at Pathlight School before! (She also met her husband at Pathlight School, AI QING!!!!!)
Today is her last day here tho, as she felt like the odd working hours weren’t a good fit for her, since she needs to fetch her two daughters.
(is it too late to get to know her? NO)
We added each other on social media, + Adeline (my other new friend)!
Then back to work! I saw a text from a colleague from another institution, Tiger Brows asking her to ask me to help reschedule the QBR meeting. So now I also worked for this institution hah
Before I left for the day, I quickly sent out the email informing Corporate Billing administrators/users that I will be handing over to my colleague, Char this project. Honestly, I felt both happy and sad. I have been doing this since 2019 and felt sad to let it go, especially because I grew during this journey and also forged great rapport with the departments.
(but we have to let go, in order for the new things to come)

Then I went to the Aesthetic Chapter to get my trial teeth whitening session! Now I am thinking if I should buy their package, the patches seem to be worse now leh…
I met Fat fat after that for dinner:

Dining vibes~
The restaurant also played songs from my university days, wah really 有 throwback 到!
3 December, Saturday | It has been months since I met up with Apple and our time together today reminded me why I have always enjoyed her company!
(also my teeth look fine!)

(did our little gift exchange here, she got me a v chio passport cover)
We wanted to grab our QUISMOIS STARBUCKS drinks but got distracted by Matchaya! Apple loves Matcha so here we are! We had drinks then desserts, Toffee Nut Ice Cream, and Apple got their $10 cake, it was so good!
We talked about my new recent life development and I really don’t know la, but I am so much of an overthinker, and Apple said she never knew that (she thought she is the overthinker here)
She talked about her recent health scare, and I felt like my world stopped at that moment. Fortunately, it was benign and she will be getting rid of the growth next March!
(me typing on Telegram to remind myself of the date of Apple's procedure)
4 December, Sunday | Not too sure why my parents decided to go eat buffet today with their MBS points, so here we are at RISE for lunch buffet on Sunday afternoon!
We get to choose our welcome drink! I settled for a glass of Champagne and okay I wasn’t really loving it.
Before the buffet commence, we went around to look at the food~
(but I only took pictures of the desserts)
CAKES, also features my complimentary birthday cake!
Lastly, putting this picture here 💕✨

(insert random sing k session here)
Bili and I met Fabian for dinner! I realised how fortunate we are, as we do not have to worry about future marriage planning and family shit (bc we are single AF hahaha)
White wine✨
5 December, Monday | Last week, I sent out the email about handing over the Corporate Billing project to Char, and I received a few TQ emails from the people I supported over the years!
From the Head of Dev (I love her, she is always so nice!):

From HN (she is a huge sotong, but I’m glad she still approached me regardless):

+ others too, Ju and the rest! GDLL😢
After replying to some emails, I made coffee and ate my homemade Egg Mayo Sandwich!
I did a quick check and the MP appeal patient hasn’t been discharged so I flagged this case to OIC to make sure, she is aware we are handling this case. She will let us know if there is a follow-up done on her end. She replied to me very soon that there are plans for discharge today, and she will follow up to get NRW for the patient. She is also very prompt to send me the before and adjusted figures, for my letter writing!
Lately, we have had a lot of problematic cases to handle. There are so many drafts to clear daily + find solutions for my team. There is a case where the patient was charged 1-day stay (equivalent MSV) under 2 days package, and the spouse disputed the MSV amount. We even gave a half-day waiver as a gesture of goodwill for a shorter stay. BUT IT DOES NOT RESOLVE THE PROBLEM OF MSV USAGE!
I will send this to W to check, how to handle this…
Brandon will be late today and told me to drop off the 100-plus drinks at the security guard post, but the security isn’t even there haha. I wrote his name and number, in case someone sees it and thought got bomb?? (update: he collected it safe and sound)
I was so mad midday! It does not pay to be kind and considerate, because some people wouldn’t do the same. I can understand why she did what she did, but she should tell me about it, right? It is super irresponsible and inconsiderate of her…
6 December, Tuesday | Not sure if I am a bad writer/boss, but the cases couldn’t close with our replies and two cases are expecting action by 3 pm. Sleeping P has to call Ms. Wang today by 3 pm and Faridah has to send over some stuff by 3 pm and call some crazy dude at 5 pm!
(muffled screams)
I have other people’s work to clear, I got my own work to do too, and also need to cover W, if I can. I really got no time, by the end of the day, I have 3 MP appeal drafts to complete, and many pending cases waiting for me to clear…
Also, there is one more case I need W’s advice on if we should be handling since it is about the appeal outcome for the hearing aid grant.
1 hour of Yoga today was intense, I started getting lower body aches after the class!
7 December, Wednesday | W is back from her leave, I have quite a few items to clear with her within the next two days as she will be on leave on Friday too.
Now that she is back, I think I will have a bit more time to do my own work!!

Our SHS kick-off is canceled for today, but then apparently M didn’t send the cancellation to all the recipients, JC was not in the loop and thought there was a meeting today but he wasn’t let in. Later, I also got a text from 2 girls from another institution, saying they were still in the waiting room after 15 minutes since the meeting started.
There is no meeting la, what is M doing??? Simple things like meeting invite also cannot do properly… L wanted to speak to me regarding an email I sent that the FAQ accuracy is off when I did the testing, plus talk about what happened this afternoon.
I went home to put down my laptop and had to take this work call of 18 minutes and 42 seconds, before going out again!
Wursthans with GRACE!!

Our plan to eat Yakiniku Like didn’t work out as there were 22 groups before us… So we decided to eat at Wursthans (2 groups before us). While waiting to get seated, we went to check out Starbucks Pop-Up Store, and here’s my loot:

Then we went to Paris Baguette to nua! I told her the whole story about my toxic colleague/friend and also what I have learned during HT Sprint! Grace is so excited to hear about all the tech things they have!!!
Not a good day, calls for BBT? I’m getting Waffle Ice Cream today, instead!

8 December, Thursday | I love WFH mornings!! I can OTOT work and play games, but in this session’s chatlog review, we got 311 utterances to run through…
It took about 2 hours to clear that, thankfully the meeting wasn’t too intense! L covered M for today’s session and made us co-hosts, but when she left, the meeting ended with her. I think need to make us the host la HAHAHA
Today I called W many times, as I needed to clear a few things with her before she knocks off at 5 pm later! She will only be back on Wednesday (I’m praying hard no daiji).
Suufood with YITONG!!!!
(swipe to see the different courses)
It’s really one of the nicest vegetarian food I ever had! It was 80ish for an 8-course meal for 2 pax, after GST and service charge, it was almost 100 bucks!! XXN for the birthday treat 💕
(+ Eureka popcorn from JB)
And also for listening to all my crazy brain noise (worries) that I have nowhere to channel them!
9 December, Friday | W is on leave today, and I will be joining K to meet Ms. Wang… We were not excited for this Friday at all lor…
The meeting with Ms. Wang wasn’t that bad la. Thankfully we managed to handle it well and this closed for good (at least for now??)
I went to collect Amos’s helmet from his desk and this is me, fitting it with a tissue:

Bday gift from K!
Woohoo hehe so pretty la, I'm gonna use it for date 💋
I really got a lot of things to do, every day leh (sibei tired is me). I sent one appeal case to Joyce to approve, will print this on Monday!
I have been praying for rain since last week, but it did not rain. The weather was great!
(wet weather plan not activated…)
At 4.30 pm, once my boss confirmed that the event is happening this evening, I quickly went to get changed and left the office with my boss:

(okay really cannot run away liao)
We went to pick up one participant, and I don’t know how she can be so buay paiseh to ask DD to pick her up and leave her things in his car. She talks way too much, I just want her to keep quiet, she is making things weird la.
We were early, so we went to pick our bikes and make adjustments too!
🚲 NIGHT CYCLING!!!!!!!!!

(the view is 100%)
The briefing and photo taking before the start of the event:
Due to one late participant, my boss + a few stayed behind while we all moved off first. This is where we stopped off, to wait for the rest!

(me always with Brandon)

Then the full team is here!
Slightly after we set off as a full team, I was going down a super minor slope and had no recollection of what happened, the next moment I was lying on the ground...
Image of the crew fixing my bike after the accident:

(able to see the accident site in the background - is it even a slope??)
Not sure how things happened, because there was no one immediately before or behind me when I fell, is it got ghost cover my eyes????
While the guys took out the tools to fix my bicycle chain (later Sam rode my bike and I took his), one of them pointed out that my pants was torn (near my butt)...

(when I got home, apparently my toes were bleeding??)

We took our dinner (somewhat) here then rode back to return our bikes! I went home immediately after, to see how bad the damage is.

It was a good ride nevertheless 🚲✌🏻
10 & 11 December, Weekends | I am in love with this song!!!!
생일 축하해!
12 December, Monday | Today I took FCL because I didn’t want to be worrying about working the next day, on my birthday! We added another agenda to my day, getting C+ booster jab (2nd booster)!
It was painful when the doctor injected the vaccine, and my arm was sore when I got up the next morning. That’s about it hah
(binge watch Forensic Heroes V + Love Naggers!)
13 December, Tuesday | On my way to work, Char already texted me to tell me to respond to Lyn’s email. WAIT AH, I JUST CAME BACK FROM LEAVE, got more urgent things to sort out first! (W is also not around to clear the team’s draft)
Char also highlighted that HN called her, and said did not receive the invoice for Corporate Billing. AIYOH more trouble… Need to send out emails to check on the invoice DED
There were not super a lot of emails to clear, I quickly went through whatever I can and then later worked on the actionable ones
I printed the letter that was approved on Friday evening, there are two new ones so now the MP appeals on hand are 4! One can be sent for approval, 2 pending clearance from me then W, and the last one is a freshly new case…
While I was in the midst of sorting out all these, JW called me to share that Ministry has the intention to adjust B2 Acute Ward rates, wef 16 Dec 2022!
(wah pass away)
Ivy came by at 12.15 pm to give me some corporate calendars which my colleagues immediately came to grab after I sent out an email announcement on it.
I finally got to meet Ivy face to face, and knew how she looks like hehe! The first thing she asked was about my cycling accident (bc I sent her a picture earlier haha). I love how we can chat/talk so freely!!!!
A few people came to talk to me about my bruises HAHAHA and BK insisted to rub them for me tomorrow at work. J has been screaming since the time she saw me…
Today’s lunch is Onalu’s Bagel:

At 2.30 pm, J and I headed out for her chief cashier duties! She told me while we were walking over, that the new staff that recently resigned, shared horrible feedback about J during her exit interview! The truth is, I have always heard the way J talked to her, she is always understanding and checked if she understood things, or needed help. Even I was taken aback by the feedback given, can’t imagine how J felt hearing all this… No wonder earlier, during lunch, I felt a different energy from her.
On our way back to our office, it was raining and I tried to lighten the mood by telling her that it will be a romantic walk back (in the rain), and she didn’t laugh much.
It is back to doing more work, clearing drafts, and stuff. I also did up the B2 ward changes (made some errors here already wor).
While I was busy settling things, BK said someone wanted to see me so I went over to the Seminar room, it’s Adeline!!!! She came to see if I am alright, from the fall last week, so sweet of her 💕
After work, I was on my way to Grandma’s! This is what I wore to work today:

(it has been a long time since I wore this to work, J asked if it is a new one-piece I got)
Dinner at Grandma’s:
Mama said she's going to cry, seeing my bruises.

(she is so cute, why did dad tell her about my cycling accident… now she is going to worry so much)
14 December, Wednesday | I overslept today! I was wondering why my alarm did not ring after the sun is out, thankfully I went to check the time.
DED IT’S 7.25 AM!!!!
(I woke up 25 minutes later)
K texted me in the morning to share that she got new coffee capsules, I am so happy hehe, and later drank X2 in the day!
W is back today, so I felt slightly better as I have more time to follow up on my appeal letters and all! But still, it was a super busy work day, I ate cup noodles for lunch!
(no mood leh)
For today’s SHS kick-off meeting, Papadom and I had to step in a few times to clarify some stuff haha, and my boss described this as “there will be a lot of hand-holding”. YA I AGREE!!!!! sobs
After the meeting, I was checking all the old cases and drafted the interim responses for those. I called W about the B2 rates and she told me I need to also check the values look okay. I quickly went to test out a few combinations of Dept OU + TOSPs!
Looks okay, W gave me the green light to load it tomorrow morning to Production!
I was early so I went to Meidiya for early Xmas shopping!

Then I met Lundly for dinner at SBCD Tofu House:

Suz came much later and came from the wrong exit, haha while SL and I kept staring at the fried fish, should we eat or wait for Suz HAHAHA
The Galbi is so good!!!!!!!
We continued to sit around and get their side dishes hehe, one time Suz asked if we can get "kimchi and seaweed, more seaweed, please". The waiter gave us a lot of seaweed HAHAHA

Bday gift from J + Xmas gift from K!
15 December, Thursday | Even though today is my WFH day, we got a Zoom meeting at 745 am (to accommodate clinicians) on outpatient subsidy changes with effect from Jan 2023!
I was not paying full attention as I realised I made a mistake in my B2 Acute Ward rate changes DED
It should be for SC B2, Indicators 2 and 4! I did it also for PB2, FB2, and indicator 4 which is possible, but so far there is no instruction to move those. I have an even more absurd error of changing for FB2, indicator 2. OH MY GAWD!!!!!!
I was trying to undo my error in UAT but then the system didn’t allow me to load because the effective date in the records cannot be updated with an even earlier date (20210101 – which is what we maintained after Nov 2022 Subsidy Review).
I made the necessary adjustments and was waiting for W’s clearance to proceed, but she did not respond to me. She did, however, cleared my other emails.
Char kept panicking over the Corporate Billing Project, as HN called her asking for an update. I was sending out emails to check at which point did the invoice fall out… It is FSS-AP again, FML!
Early this morning, Faridah sent an email to me with regards to one case from Ministry which was referred from PE Office to us. She asked me if this case should be considered an MP appeal case! I knew from her email, that she didn’t want to manage it as it is difficult. However, we were not asked to close the appeal, we were asked to provide inputs to Ministry, for them to close the case with the appellant instead. Faridah completely misunderstood the case and even went the extra wrong mile to ask social workers for financial assistance. THIS IS TOTALLY SHOOTING OUT OF THE TARGET RANGE, if I have to use an analogy to explain what she was doing here…
I called W and later Papadom, to confirm policy changes for MAFP! The question is regarding the ranking of HSS and MAFP, so I need answers before we can respond to Ministry on this.
While on the phone with W, I also confirmed the next course of action for B2 Acute Ward rates, she suggested reloading as 20221216! Adms has not done anything yet, so it is safe to tell them to draw down from Production (after I load to Prod), and send the file to us to input the maximum subsidy for the GYN calculator data.
I ordered WATM for lunch today, and watched Forensic Heroes briefly before going to the room to take a short nap! Very soon, it was time to get back to work and I have a new MP appeal case to work on.
There are a few drafts to clear, I realised Sleeping P did not do her draft properly and I sent it back for redraft. W helped to clear one of the problematic drafts, thank god! She also drafted the replies for those long-standing cases.
I felt super stressed because I have been working non-stop, yet nothing really gets out of my way, I have so many appeals to settle and other matters pending for response… Walao…
W asked for ehints data to work out IVF EBS, Char’s boss informed W that XY is on leave and cannot help to pull the data. I responded to W’s email to acknowledge her instructions to work on the data once the file is ready. Then, Char’s boss replied to W, that “Rachel can pull the data from ehints”, and I responded: I do not have ehints access at the moment.
I sent another draft reply letter to my boss for him to clear and now he is asking/wondering if HF can cover OTC and courier service charges.
K and I had a mini work rant session after work, over WhatsApp hahaha
I went to Grandma’s house for dinner today! She insisted on cooking noodles for us so here I am in a moderate-length dress, showing my battle bruises. An uncle on the bus saw my bruises and kept staring, shit…

16 December, Friday | Been a long time since I wore this outfit to work! Much needed because I needed to hide my bruises:

I started my day by printing out the letter approved on Wednesday, and as I was checking through the letter, I also checked through the two bills that we will be attaching with the letter.
WAIT WAIT WAIT! How come the MSV account holder’s name is different on the mother’s and baby’s bills??!!
SIAO LIAO, billing staff tagged the wrong MSV account for the baby’s case!!!! DED
For the most part of the day, I was busy working on all the appeal letters (at different stages), and rushing to clear them while Edna’s coverer is still Joyce!
Went off for Beauty appointments, which now also include Teeth Whitening! This is the second session, under the package of 7 sessions at $750 (instead of 5 sessions), but immediately after the treatment, my teeth look patchy…

17 December, Saturday | 你去哪里?

If it is meant to be, it will be. It didn't work the last time, why would it work now?
19 December, Monday | I took the morning off to watch World Cup Final – Argentina vs France!!! No regrets because it was such a good and exciting match 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥
I had quite an emotional morning then sorted my emotions out for the day, got myself prepared and ready for work…
For last week’s approved reply letter, I printed that out and then quickly followed up on the other matters. Half day of work passed very quickly and it was time for our group dinner!
I was texting J on my way to Tanjong Pagar MRT, and sat down for a while at the train station. Ended up, I was slightly late and also couldn’t find my way.
I told YS I am at the traffic light and said a few things.
YS: are you at Carlton City?
Me: HUH (turns around, oh yes)
YS: I meet you at the traffic light, and within a few seconds, I saw YS standing across the road (sorry I burden max)
Both guys trying to sit still, while Pris and I finish taking pictures of the food:

We all did a Christmas gifting here! I like the good vibes from this bunch of people, Christmas is the season of giving, and not expecting an exchange of Christmas gifts hehe
I love our pics together, and how much we were laughing at all the small things HAHAHA (like Rey’s hand holding the chair)
Then we barely walked 300 meters and we reached Natter! (because I wanted Coffee)

(only interior picture we got – credits: Pris)
I got Affogato, so satisfied both my caffeine + Ice cream cravings heh

Pris was confused by how her picture doesn’t look nice, I told her it is because she is not standing in the middle, that’s why. So in the end, I’m doing it:

Hehe, our after-desserts photo!
(copying a group of girls who took mirror photos earlier!)
Wonder what NATTER means?

(haha ya, we are making having casual and leisure talks)
The journey home with Rey was a great catch-up! I like mature and wholesome conversations and the fact that he understands all my frustrations with chatbot peeps!!

(YS used to not give gifts, but this year he made us cookies!)
20 December, Tuesday | J’s direct boss came back from a long holiday and went to see the doctor, she got 5 days MC so she wouldn’t be in to do open safe duties. J will also be on leave from Wednesday onwards, so she is super stressed out today upon hearing the news.
I got a text from K early this morning if I can cover for today.
Me: sure! Consider it done
I spent quite a lot of time working out how they got the values for the Day Surgery case, that Char couldn’t settle. TSK, THIS IS NOT EVEN MY WORK LEH
I have a lot on my plate (also literally on my desk), plus my recent troubles, I decided to order Merci Marcel for lunch as a way to treat myself!

Then I left for open safe duties! Today there was some donation money counting so we started off later and J later gave me some last-minute training for float duties tomorrow. Her colleague will be doing it tomorrow as she is on leave, so this is training images and notes for Rachel:
exchange date = request date
I sent the draft reply letter to EL, but she didn’t reply to me, even at EOD ):
Finally, Adms sent over their EBS files for us to do up the maximum subsidy figures!
FPA also asking queries on Delivery Package items, so now need to get my team to pull out information on patients’ common disputes. I really hope they do away with delivery packages, it is for the better!
Really no time sia today!!!!!
Too long never go for Yoga class, my body is aching so much…
Dinner with Sisters!

(wahlao my bowl so big)
21 December, Wednesday | I was so happy when I saw one of our long-standing cases that W is helping out, the writer finally accepted our explanation! He is now enquiring about the 1.2k refund and wishing us happy holidays! (at least one good thing, heh)
I have quite a lot on my to-do list today, but 9 am I need to go off for open safe duty with Ali! Luckily I paid attention during J’s briefing yesterday because Ali forgot a few things here and there, I had to remind her…
YS is flying to Vietnam today!! He sent me this:

Then we got back to our desk, I was immediately in the reminder letter meeting discussion from 10 – 11 am! I didn’t even have time to make a cup of coffee, sobs
I was never in the position to make the decisions they are putting on the table, so I just chilled and waited for my boss to join the meeting belatedly hahaha
After getting my coffee, I started clearing the drafts and settling all the adhoc things waiting for me
(new ring + bracelet hehe)
Today’s lunch menu is cup noodles! Lately, I’m having cup noodles quite often (not complaining tho haha, only complaining about my workload). I took this time to chat with Hui Ying and got my much-needed therapy session✌🏻
(one day I will heal and put this behind me, right?)
Weekly Cadence Meeting (AIYO)
It seems like the new institutions didn't do their homework ahead hah, M did not prepare anything, she just kept asking the teams if anyone want to share their screen. One of the older uncles in this group wasn't very happy because he felt that this (slow + blur toggling the dashboard) made people look stupid and it is embarrassing!!!
M explained that if she does a demo, the rest cannot keep up (as M will be faster) so better to do step-by-step with new members sharing the screen.
I think will be nice to have slides to reinforce what is the agenda for today’s Zoom call, then also what would be the follow-up items for the next meeting! Currently, there is no visual at all, so it is hard to follow the instructions or simply be on track!
The old uncle also asked if M could share a user guide with them so that they can read up ahead (instead of joining the call as headless chickens)
M was explaining the process to add the image URL to the menu card, but the old uncle (+ a few others) are confused about how to get the URL. M didn't manage to address the question or clarify what she meant, instead, she just kept repeating the process and saying “correct” to the wrong things…
The new institutions kinda cornered her, she SOS-ed and asked Papadom/me to help her out. Papadom is on leave, so I interjected and explained how to do it, on her behalf. I also explained there is a “Files” tab, where we can save our own pics, and use the URL for our content nodes and menu cards! I did a quick demo so that everyone can follow.
At one point, when the old uncle stopped her to ask questions, she just kept rambling on and on, and she couldn’t hear us at all when we were all calling out her name! Throughout the call, she dropped off 2 or 3 times (due to bad connection?).
I was still texting Hui Ying on and off when I do not have to unmute and say something to help M out. I also stepped in to explain the difference between the Buttons and Quick Replies.
I am also officially assisting with queries:

One of the faster learners, Mike was asking me additional questions on Markdown Cheatsheet to know what formatting his team should follow. After replying to him on Zoom chat, I also explained to everyone (when M got disconnected again) that we are all on the same page!
I feel bad la, because it made M look like she doesn't have any setup knowledge and she did not do any prep work…
After this meeting, I was so exhausted la! I quickly replied to EL to explain how I got the difference in amounts for NRO and NROW (+ sending her the bills as reference), then she agreed to sign off the reply letter (phew!). I double-checked everything before printing out the reply letter!
Then the rest of the day, I continued clearing problematic drafts such as the one disputing less than 8 hours stay, other feedback cases…
Dinner with Fam!

Loving the X’mas feels at MBS:

After dinner, we went up to our parents’ room to chill and watch documentaries of animals living up north and south poles!

22 December, Thursday | Good morning! (not sure if it is good, maybe more like, “okay morning”)
I was busy doing my chatlog review HW, it is getting a lot tougher and takes way more time now to run through each line! I was almost done with this, before I ate the breakfast dad got for us, yesterday:

(later, I just ate two mini tuna bread for lunch)
Today’s meeting was not too bad, I told Papadom to lead the discussion (bc I lazy hahaha) and she is okay with it! They had other add-on discussions, so it ended in 1 hr 10 minutes. Then it was back to clearing drafts, and I was so angsty looking at Faridah’s work!!!!!
I told her to redraft two of them, which really took a lot of my time lehhh
(so pek chek, is it my period coming then I easily annoyed?)
I spoke to L on the feedback I have for yesterday’s meeting, and also suggested having FTF sessions, it will be more helpful and organised to complete the content setup!
We went to Grandma’s place for dinner + Tang Yuan 💖
23 December, Friday | XIE XIE my colleagues’ love this Christmas!!! I received the other gifts today on my desk heh
Today is my last working day for the year! Honestly, there is a lot left to do, but more importantly, they are 2023 problems! I will just need to get through this day and finished up whatever is more urgent!
(bank account: -$21.40)
MP appeal letter draft cleared by my boss and ready to float over to EL for clearance! She thinks since we already know the MSV amount, we should include it in the reply letter, but it is an estimate (if the account has no money, then the deduction amount may not be correct). Having shared our considerations, I made the adjustments and made sure we got our backs covered haha. She later proceeded to sign the letter. The last one, is out before the end of the year!
There is another case, and I hope that we do not have to provide a reply since it is not for us to advise or comment (I hope not we do heh)
I was panicking after lunch when I realised yesterday I forgot to bring up that we haven’t updated the Public Holiday dates in chatbot dashboard (important so agents are not deemed as available on the 26th, Monday).

Once I made the changes, I texted in the group chat to remind the two other institutions of this! (vendor wouldn’t help us update one, last year it was done by YS)
SC is chasing the EBS Calculator for OBS, again! So I responded quickly to say leave it as status quo, and we will update them on the changes once confirmed.
Right before I left for the day, I quickly sent the closure email for the last MP appeal letter on hand hehe, and replying JW on the common dispute on package items!
24 December, Saturday | XMAS EVE WITH FAM!!

Post Dinner Chocolates:
This year, fruity log cake for a change?
(then we all struggle to pack our luggage)
XMAS day, 你们去哪里? ☺️