1 December, Friday | I assumed the new staff would come to our office at 9 ish, but he called me at 8:30ish. I have just arrived at work and was unpacking my thing DED
XY is not here yet, so we couldn’t get him his laptop or set up the place for him ): Thankfully K agreed to help out and did orientation for him (bring him around to say hi)
At 9 ish (after general orientation), he used the backup laptop and logged into his emails. In the middle of all the chaos of today, Bili updated our family group chat that she is C+
At 10.30 am, we started our chatbot meeting heh, and it was supposed to be another hospital’s turn but I blur sotong, I went to take it on LOL
The meeting ended at 1130.
XY and I went to Wilkie Edge for lunch, and bought Starbucks back! Lunch is 好吃的:

(The new staff didn’t join us for lunch as he has Friday prayers)
K and I had to listen in to the new SMS campaign/system that SNDGO wants us to take on, but it was too technical for us le. I spoke during some parts of the meeting (freely), and realised other attendees in this call, they raised their hands for their turn to speak (oopsies)
Shortly after, it was fire drill! We went down another exit stairs and it felt like there were more steps but we arrived earlier than most of the others!
We got back to our desk at around 4 pm and I did my teams’ orientation with new staff, H. This was about an hour leh (as I have quite a lot of things to explain)!
Our pantry is a disaster!!!!

swimming pool??
Then I did some work, cleared some things, and then it was time to pang gang liao!!!! I left to go for a facial.
Caesar Salad for dinner (yum yum)

I was so sad that I wouldn’t be seeing Mr. Oh tomorrow (as my jie jie C+) 😭
4 December, Monday | I was so happy that Sleeping P is back today, and she can help to guide H on some daily operational work, cases, etc. Then I have the time to work on my own things hehe
Today, we went to OCK for lunch and then headed over to the hospital to collect temp pass for H and XY got an extra under her name for our office! As the security staff was away when we reached at early 2 ish pm, we brought H around to tour heh, and on our way, I met EL! I thought she left le and I may not see her again, but what a coincidence:

5 December, Tuesday | (missing content)
6 December, Wednesday | This morning I woke up earlier than usual to meet the others at Esplanade MRT, and we made our way to Park Royal Collection Marina.
We arrived at 8 am to grab our passes, and I was told the event would only start at 9 am. We get to chill around, and have breakfast before heading in for the talks and events lined up!

The truth is I am here to enjoy the food only leh heh
(The coffee was so so only)
Okay, but we gotta be focused on the real reason why we came:

It is starting to look a lot like Christmas~

Then when we got back to work, we had to do 1 day's worth of work in half the day T.T
I got a few emails enquiring about things, one doctor emailed me to ask for the bill as they are considering waiving some of the charges. I am not sure why this doctor suddenly reached out to me - it only means more work for me leh
I have a lot of things to settle today and made a mad rush for my scalp treatment at 7 pm. Although J was angry about what happened earlier, she gave me my birthday gift today:
As 4 out of 5 people who could open the safe went for Healthcare Summit and left with that 1 last person who can open the safe to go today. She came to the office and was later tested positive. J is upset about this whole situation - putting her at risk!
7 December, Thursday | Today is a really busy day, other than having to teach H things (hand holding for the time being), I also need to catch up on my cases and clear Sleeping P’s drafts ):
We went to eat lunch together as a team today, I had sambal fried rice! I missed all my granola with milk life leh (please come back!!!)
I think H is anxious and worried because our boss asked me + H to rep him in this meeting. Who wouldn’t be worried if you are new to this job, and have to attend a meeting with zero background of what’s up
Of course, I did the talking, if needed for our institution to respond regarding the estimates and calculator parameters
The discussion was from 2 to 3.40 pm, the later parts I wasn’t listening liao LOL, the others were just arguing and refusing to go with a general outline. But I also understand that this bill estimator will be a double-edged sword for us, but it is what the bosses want, we just following orders haha
We got a CAR-T bill estimate request, but the thing is it is not just asking for the likely charges for CAR-T admission but for the journey from evaluation, chemotherapy, and so on. To be more realistic and accurate in the estimate, we should also mention the other treatment phases
I was too busy managing things and forgot to send the compliments by EOD (DED)
8 December, Friday | K left this on my desk when I went to the pantry!
She knows me so well, I love FRESH!
After putting some thoughts (since yesterday), and had discussed it with my boss, we managed to send out the CAR-T estimates today around lunchtime. Then here comes another request from PLS, as the doctor has just returned with more information on the procedure and all
I am so swamped with work, everything is urgent and I really don’t know what to put priority on (super frustrating la)
BK got me a Tiramisu cake from Swee Heng for my birthday but I forgot to bring that home when I left work today ):
I left with XY, it was raining so heavily!!!! It was tragic that it was funny HAHAHA
I went home to drop things off, and touch up my makeup before meeting Chiam at Aljunied MRT for our much-needed bar experience (part 2)!

Wagyu Sando (not cheap)


I have always loved hearing about all the adventures Chiam goes on, watching the videos, and "experiencing" her experiences. I am so happy to hear about her trip to Vietnam and that she knows me (coffee - more of what my sister likes haha):
We finished dinner and drinks at close to 10 pm and decided to walk our way to Tanjong Pagar MRT (made many stops in between to talk heh), and we both got home past midnight! Love all the shenanigans with her~
9 December, Saturday | YT suggested a few weeks back, “shall we have high tea?”. I think it is a fabulous idea hehe:

The food wasn’t as fantastic as I remembered the strawberry-themed one to be a year ago, but it is the company that matters!
The Hotel Staff helped us to take pictures together, but I liked our selfies more heh
CONRAD Christmas Tree 🎄

We did some brief shopping at Meidiya, then grabbed a cup of drink from Tag Espresso, and it was about time to meet Mr Oh!
So sad I forgot to take photos of Crystal Jade's very awesome porridge!!!!
Mr Oh, if you are reading this, can I have more ha gao next year? PLEASE 🙏🏻
(today I too full le)
This evening's walk from City Hall to Esplanade and to MBS, reminded me of the first time we met (we walked from City Hall to Dhoby/Somerset) outside of work. I like how comfortable it feels talking to him 💕
He walked me home and I got back at around 9 ish hehe. I thought birthday treat jiu shi le, hehe he got me a gift too (GDLL). XXN!
Need to mention that the Starbucks App image shows the (some) most important people in my life ✨ (Chiam - many years ago, K - 2021, J and Mr Oh - 2023)
I found my painting inspiration liao, but now I am still waiting for my new set of Gouache paint to arrive!!! (before I can get started)
11 December, Monday | I used my Birthday Leave today, shun bian went for health screening with Mom! We were expecting the health screening process to be quite long, but most of the assessments/indicators, they just need our blood sample, so it was a pretty quick process :)
(I forgot to remove my phone from my pocket when I did H&W!)
The nurse today was very experienced, and even tho my vein is located very deep inside my arm, she had some hiccups but managed to take my blood easily (there was also no bruising after that YAY)
As I am having my menses, I have to come back another day to submit my urine sample. That is the problem for next week hah
Dad came with us for health screening, we did some shopping at IUIGA then went for breakfast at Toast Box:

I showered, took a nap, and woke up to work on my paintings:
Hehe 💕
Plus, my first painting in a long time (from yesterday):

Birthday dinner meal:

Always love PB’s strawberry cake!
Ending today’s post with a picture of me, now at 28 years old 😂

12 December, Tuesday | Back to work! Forgot to bring home the cake BK got me last week, so here I am early in the morning, enjoying Tiramisu:

I went to drop off my Christmas gift for Mr Oh during lunchtime (was surprised he was at his desk)
The intensity of work I need to clear, only adds to my stress 😭
In the late afternoon, I started feeling odd/unwell. My voice started changing ): I went home to spam water and honey, hopefully this will pass.
I better see a doctor tomorrow.
13 December, Wednesday | I decided to not wait and went to see Dr Chuah today. He wanted to give me 3 days MC but I asked for 2.
I thought it was a throat infection that I got quite regularly over the years, but as covid cases are rising lately, Dr Chuah said it is likely covid until proven otherwise. If it is, then let him know, and he will adjust and give me a 5-day MC.
I was so worried about catching covid and then having to change plans or skip important events ):
After seeing the doctor, Fat fat helped me to order McDonald's breakfast using the app, hehe it was so good~

I went back to the office to grab my laptop (see if I can clear some work over these two days). I started feeling unwell, and decided to take laptop and grab home to rest!
I managed to do abit of work hehe and I slept so much (it is what my body needs).
14 December, Thursday | Day 2 of MC: Excited me getting loads of rest and binging KILLING VOTE!!!! This drama v jing cai ( I can't stop bc I need answers)
15 December, Friday | After two days MC, it is back to chiong work life... I was so worried that I couldn't come today (if I caught covid), it was W's farewell (unofficially)!
W was slightly late, she was later than the food. Edna came by with flowers but also missed and didn't get to say goodbye or take any pictures.
She came back looking happy, with nice makeup and her contagious laughter!!! We took pictures, ate buffet lunch, chatted, and talked through some work too!
We also gave her the gifts we got her! (I can stop panicking about the 1.3k Gold and Silver in my cupboard)
I walked her down as she had many bags of things to bring home, and I started tearing up in the lift after hugging her to say goodbye at L1 lobby. This will be probably the last time I see her in a work setting 😭
W gave us some goodies, and I got 2 banana walnut muffin!

I was going to meet Mr Oh tomorrow to see Orchard Christmas lights but we re-scheduled that because my condition was not good. I took the weekend to rest loads, and hopefully feel much better next week~
18 December, Monday | Last Friday I discussed with W how to work on KBRE TOSP data, today is the day to put that to work! I kept refining the data, and re-pulling ehints info, removing cases with more than 1 surgical procedure from my data file.
I haven’t got the time to work on scrubbing the numbers, now is still quite premature until I make sense of the respective LOS and hospital charges to update into FC data tables!It was a good time to think, since Sleeping P is on AM leave today, so I get protected time to focus on this piece of work.
The rest of the day was clearing cases, following up on those past feedbacks etc (this one hopefully can be handed over to H when he is ready to take on the team)
Dinner with Lundly!!!!!!
We wanted Milkfish but ended up having Poulet instead~
We always forget to take pictures when we hang out, so putting one of my favourites here from our BKK trip in 2022:

Have always loved their company, and no matter how much time has passed, it never felt like we were away or apart for long ❤️
Christmas gifts from Lundly
+ SL’s buys from Jeju!
19 December, Tuesday | Last evening sent one of the appeals reply letters for my boss to clear, but he was still holding the reply. Then later on he decided it was good to go and let the patient take it up with the insurer instead.
Then today I managed to spend some time working on KBRE data!
I took PM leave today to go for Covid-19 vaccination, this is my 5th dose (I lost count). Mom has been pushing and advocating for this, even though I was not in the best physical condition to go for vaccination…
I was done at close to 3 pm and contemplated seeing another doctor before our family trip but none of the doctors were around (dr Chuah is away, and another clinic doctor is out for some emergency case)
I decided to grab a quick bite and went home to continue working. I cleared some drafts and continued with KBRE work. I ended work at 7 pm!
20 December, Wednesday | I was still rushing and managing my time well, hopefully can clear KBRE piece of work before the end of the week.
As more time passed (less time at work) and at the end of today, I believed in best effort and just did whatever I could HAHAHA
OCK lunch:

(I am eating macaroni soup – kids meal btw, as I was battling this URTI for more than a week le)
After work, I went to City Hall to grab a few items for Christmas gifting! I planned on not gifting this year, end up still getting bc I am receiving.

Also got a free roll cake from LeTao (I spent 100++ at Tokyo Milk Cheese Factory)

21 December, Thursday | After making multiple changes and unforeseen circumstances, my Dental appointment is re-scheduled to today!
They were still late.. but it was okay. The dentist was cheerful and did the cleaning well. I was about 10 minutes late back from lunch.
I ate my croissant at my desk and continued working – got lots to work on before the end of the year! I rushed and completed what was needed to make sure I could leave punctually today, to meet Mr. Oh for dinner + see Christmas lights!!
He said our pictures only on my phone, so this is what we have that passed:

22 December, Friday | Today is yet another busy day at work, really rushing all the things that needed to be completed for the year! I was kinda in a rush, but spent like an hour chatting with H about the work, updates etc
I saw an email invitation for Hackathon 2024 Demo Day!!!! I was so excited and checked with H if he was free that day (at work) to attend this event.
Love from Adeline:
Back to Granola lunch life as I need to clear out the milk from the fridge (belatedly realised I forgot to throw that away when I left the office today, sobs)
Shook moment: a colleague asked her boss to help with a response and I gave it to her boss, but she came to me for updates. Then later when she got the draft I wrote, she emailed me to help her print out the letter. I was very shocked and speechless by how rude this nonsense woman is… They really can’t do anything by themselves…
As expected I couldn’t finish KBRE work, so just updated my boss about the progress so far and then responded to other emails, etc. This is all that I will be doing for the year le
My boss gave me a Christmas gift, and he said “cha lian de” but turns out to be honey???
So ready for Christmas!!!!

23 December, Saturday | We were packing our things for our trip! and not forgetting:
