1 February, Thursday | We worked half a day then headed out during lunchtime to the area near the event location to have lunch:

(basil pork with maggie mee)

The must-have:
The food today isn’t as wow as last year, but still not bad!
There were a few products that we liked and found applicable to our work, such as Scribe, Nonoms, and Magic Form Builder!
2 February, Friday | Today’s lunch was Tom Yum Bee Hoon Soup with K at Owls! Not sure why, but I don’t have the mood to work today lol
After work, I had dinner at MOS and then went for my appointment! The green tea latte at MOS was hai hao only ):
Nails done and ready for tomorrow 💐

3 February, Saturday | It was unwise to wear heals to the wedding today because most people dressed quite casually, and it was a long walk from public transport stations ) :
I met up with K, JJ at around 11.50 am! We met the others, including J + E at the lift lobby area.
Village Hotel, Bugis

We took one with the rest of our colleagues, and later another with our boss in the photo (because he came late lol)

(only showing the nicer pic of me from the wedding hah)
I went home to nua since it was still early, then later headed out to meet Lundly + Suz’s boyfriend, Andy! It was 5.08 pm and they were all there, but Rachel thought the meeting time was 5.30 pm (AHHHHHHHHHH)
My favourite is this Salmon dish in Minestrone!
There weren’t many dessert options at Symmetry so we headed over to 20 Grams for Ice Cream!

4 February, Sunday | I went for breakfast at McDonald’s and achieved the two hashbrown hack :)
Then I met SL at MRT, together with her Church friend, M. It was a nice conversation hehe, and we sang another kids' song at Church service today, called Jesus is the boss/Jesus is the mighty mighty king! It is super cute~
Session Five – Listen: The parable of Sower
The word’s fruitfulness depends on how you listen, Mark 4: 13-20
Fruitfulness: grow in love, joy, peace and kindness
I think soil 3 where seeds fall on thorny ground, is what I worried about the most, that worries of the world crowd out the word…
We went to La Levain to have our talk. I ordered Iced Matcha Latte and he got Earl Grey Tea, but I couldn’t resist not ordering any dessert so here we go:

(insert a vvv serious conversation)
Madam Tyrant Handmade Noodles

This is part of our Mee Hoon Kueh adventures hehe! He got the rainbow MHK, and I ordered their minced pork MHK dry, so good!
After the meetup, we texted each other about the thoughts we had. I like how we both do our best for one another and have a world of patience and understanding for each other 💕
5 February, Monday | The happiest news: he made dinner plans for 13th!
Dragon Year CNY decorations from OL:
In return for the beautiful piece of BAO FU, my dad prepared a bag of CNY decoration items that she could use for her new pieces. Over the weekend, she then made a pair of fish for us!
Since last year, I was planning to take leave tomorrow to rest as I barely got any over the past few weekends. However, judging from the amount of work I have and two appeal letters to push out, I decided to cancel my leave…
6 February, Tuesday | I think the biggest challenge for FC-related tasks is that there is no protocol or a sure plan on how to work out the required amounts. There is also no one that I can ask also la, so really have to get started and think!!!!!!
I have already started working on the data and decided to add another parameter of “Total Days” after getting K’s acknowledgement that this is a good parameter to consider/add-in.
(hope what I am doing, is right kay)
I sent both letters to Edna for her to clear, she only replied to one at 6.03 pm so I will print that and follow up with her on the other, tomorrow.
7 February, Wednesday | Wah finally is my turn on duty to open safe! I don’t know why I like doing this hah, is it I secretly hate sitting down all day??
After we were done with cash duties, I came back to get the approved letter printed and met K at 10ish to show her what we have so far for the Oncology data task!
Following a review of a few pictures of myself at A’s wedding, I suddenly felt the need to diet so I decided to eat Prawn Mee (but bee hoon) as a way to reduce carbs. It was 3 dollars, not super great but okies la
H went with me to collect Starbucks drinks after we had our lunch, then headed back to the Finance Meeting Room for our department meeting!
At this point, I am still quite lost about how they want to set up the new counsel code for MIC, I probably need to look through my past work and THINK HARD AGAIN…
Following my reminder email, Edna approved the reply letter le, but also accidentally approved yesterday’s approved letter again hahaha
(I will print that tomorrow)
8 February, Thursday | I decided to swap WFH days with Sleeping P and happened that some staff had issues with their VPN, so Sleeping P went to the office for the whole week hah
I came into the office today and got the second last approved reply letter printed YASSSSSS
I continued with data work and followed up on the very last MP appeal case I am responsible for!
Love from Colleagues:

9 February, Friday | Today is 除夕! I changed my wfh schedule with Sleeping P. I was working from home until 10-ish am, as I decided to see a doctor for my ear and throat discomfort.
(people kept telling me that there would not be any clinic open on the first and second day of CNY)
Half day wfh became 1 day MC ):
10 February, Saturday | 初一🍊🍊

We went to Grandma’s place first to greet her, before heading off to our next destination:

At 江西会馆, with Sis and Gwaimui!
(We got lattes from Asylum Coffee woohoo)
Then we made our way to Grandma’s to 拜年! We wanted to do different lines for CNY greetings, and mine is 吉祥如意 欢天喜地!
(Grandma is happy!)
After this, we drove to Yishun to 拜年 to my mother’s family, 舅舅 etc. On the ride there, we took many fun shots, it is my annual CNY photo resolution, but gotta keep our images, so here is me on 初一:

At 舅舅’s house, we had steamboat (bkt soupbase?).
Then go back to Grandma’s for dinner, chat and games with cousins!
Grandma insisted that we drink this sparkling drink she got from somewhere, but it is essentially sugar with no alcohol content. We figured enjoying this drink would make her happy, so we did!

(She is so so so happy!!!!!!!)
11 February, Sunday | As I was not feeling well in the past few days, I wanted to give today’s visiting a miss hah
In the end, I decided to go with it as it will not be a long affair!
We drove to Kranji Golf Course for lunch (yes, it is a little extreme)

The food is so good!!

Then we went to AMK to 拜年! It was a good catch-up with some relatives, and no one commented that I am fat, so that’s great!
After this, we made our way to Grandma’s for dinner, but we too full le, so just had small bites.
We took the train home, and after showering, it was time for Transit Love S3!!!!
12 February, Monday | It is a Public Holiday today, it was our day to rest and catch up on chores, as my parents said 初三 cannot 拜年!
I continued binge-watching Transit Love S3!!!!! Very sad leh
13 February, Tuesday | I was not looking forward to being back to work, but I am so looking forward to seeing him tonight 💕
I did the backup for my files yesterday using VPN, glad that my network folder creation trick worked so I didn’t have to rush this morning to save my files.
The IT guy, Brandon came over at 9 ish a.m., close to 10 am to help with the set-up and transfer of files to a new laptop, but the estimated completion time is 4 hours… Brandon told me to take down some instructions, then later set up and check on my own T.T
At some point, the files stopped transferring and the window tab closed completely. I had to initiate the transfer of un-transferred files on my own…
It was 12ish pm and it was not done yet, so I went for lunch with H at OCK. Given my current state of health, I could only eat Macaroni Soup
I spent most of today trying to sort out my laptop issues, the 2021 and 2023 PST files were corrupted. Brandon says it is because I did the archiving when the Outlook App was opened, and it was undesirable.
I need to re-back them up and then transfer them from the network folder to shift over to the new laptop. It was completed and settled at 4ish pm!
This is me, patiently waiting with my posture pal duck:

I did whatever I could in the next 1 hr ++ before leaving work to buy Laderach chocolates at City Hall.

I have never bought chocolates for Valentine’s day before and honestly didn’t expect a queue, I queued for more than 30 minutes
Although my feet were hurting, I had so much joy in my heart queuing and purchasing the pralines and filling up the card I designed earlier at work hah
I got this gift with joy, and I hope he feels the same receiving them~

Side track yi xia: I received Laderach chocolates before and they were amazingly delicious!!! I wanted to buy them for him today (because he deserves the best hehe) but I couldn’t recall the name of the chocolate shop. When I finally figured out, I found out that the chocolates I thought I got from Siti for Christmas in 2022, were not from her 😫
Then who gave me the chocolates in 2022??!?!
Okay back to 2024, Mr. Oh needed to work late today and arrived at Café O for dinner at 8 ish pm (I was happy waiting for him to come hehe)
I ordered a breakfast platter for dinner, the food was so-so and quite expensive. He got prata and a cup of hot barley drink. The only thing I liked about this place, is that it is not crowded and is rather quiet (nice place to chat)!
It was a simple and quick dinner, but making the time to see me before his trip, means the world to me 💕
Before we left Café O, he took out the chocolates he got for me! I wasn’t expecting him to buy me anything for vday heh, and I love how we both got each other chocolates lehhhhh

SWEET DAO BAO!!!!! The chocolates he got me got zip lock seal, so I don’t have to finish them in one go (don’t fall sick/cough), so thoughtful la
14 February, Wednesday | Today marks the closure of the last MP appeal I have on hand YAY!!!! I have been waiting for this day, initially, I thought I would feel sad that after 5 years of writing letters for Edna, it is time to hand this role over. But I was so happy to pass it over, to free up my time to work on FC things!
Edna approved this last appeal I got, I printed it in the afternoon, and am 98% done with the FC task I have been working on since 1+ week ago!
H was telling me about the renovated food court, so we decided to lunch there today! It is a lot more spacious now, and there is a sink with a mirror at different areas of the food court for us to wash our hands etc (I love this!).
I ordered Tom Yum Soup with Bee Hoon, and after a staff discount, it is $5.44. I find it still slightly pricy, but the food is good!
There is follow-up required for the enquiry we received from another hospital from MOM and I discussed with another colleague how this can be better managed, and addressed directly by our organization.
I completed the analysis, and simulation of NR rates and summarized the Oncology data. When I thought I was done with 1 major FC task, I saw an email from K3 department asking for the estimated Antenatal Fees for SC, before and after subsidy…
There goes my nua sai life, and I quickly went to ask XY, then R for the relevant data. As I will also need some time to work on the data, I hope to get the data early so I can get a head start.

Vday dinner at Roberta’s Pizza!

They are not under the MBS group, so parents can’t use their points here ): Papa paid $137 for two pizzas, oxtail soup with bread and pork ribs…
Personal opinion: not worth it
We came home for Round 2, CNY goodies!
15 February, Thursday | It was quite an enjoyable WFH in the morning, I made a nice cup of Matcha Latte and had OCK curry puff at 10ish!
Work wasn’t super tough until I looked through the amount of data I needed to process, and after multiple attempts then I decided which worked. I only managed to work out 2 out of 90 days of data 😭😭😭😭
Happy that I will be meeting Chiam later to let off some work steam~
Five Oars with Chiam!!

We ordered Octopus leg and a pasta to share! We also had waffles too hehe
16 February, Friday | Today was a super exhausting day, the only comfort was Mr. Oh texted me a lot today although he is travelling today to Taiwan!
That got me through the day and I guess 15 days’ worth of data is considered an achievement?
J and I left at 5.30 pm sharp because we had enough since morning (maybe 10 am hahaha)
18 February, Sunday | I didn’t feel very well since last night, so I decided to skip breakfast/lunch before service, in case my tummy feels funny later…
Ecclesiastes 9:
Today's sermon message on the meaning of life: seize everything God gifts you every day with thanksgiving
Session Six – Grace:
Mark 10:15 Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it
We don't have to give anything or earn our way to eternal life, we just have to accept the gift/surrender.
My perception of God has evolved!
From experience with most authoritative figures, we learned that we will be punished if we misbehave or don't do things right
So I assumed that it is the same with God, we all try to do good because of the eventual judgement when death comes
After hearing that we don't have to earn our way to eternal life, it is given to whoever accepts/receives it like helpless children
He is indeed merciful and this is His grace!
Then why do we still have to behave haha, we do good because we don't want to grieve God
This aligns with what I think love should be, we shouldn't have to earn love!
Ohya D is back this week, YAYYYYYYY
After the session, we chatted with D and he asked about the previous session we had, so I offered to share my notes with him in the next session!
It took me more than an hour to get to Admiralty /Woodsvale Condo for Aila’s 1st Birthday! The travelling was not great, but the rest of was 💕
The event started at 5 pm, but when I arrived at 5.30 pm, nothing is really up yet so I helped with the decorations etc:

I chatted with Danna’s church friends, family friends, Clifton (of course) and even Missionaries, it was pretty fun until I realised the two Missionaries are 18 years old (10 years younger than me WOTS)
At close to 6.30 pm, Rajs finally arrived haha and we had such a good catch-up! We can’t wait to attend Sharon’s wedding on 19 May (personally, the cocktail reception hahaha)

Happy birthday to you, bb!

(hope someday we get to take pictures where all of us look at the camera hahaha)
19 February, Monday | Lately, I think wearing specs to work is how I look for most of my career liao
I didn’t want to work, but have to go as many data tasks are awaiting me ):
But not gonna let work win, so I’m starting the week right with JINJJA!!!!

20 February, Tuesday | Other than focusing on my data tasks, I have a waiver e-form meeting with H and P. It took less than 30 minutes, we chatted a bit before leaving the meeting room
I was not pleased with my boss’s hasty conclusions last week on PM data, and now I have to look through all cases to provide an accurate picture of FC vs Final Bill.
I went to set up the conference room for discussion with my boss and we met slightly past 4 pm for KPON data, he requested a few more fields, such as other patient classes and counts of the number of visits/admissions.
He also gave me a few pointers on what Edna would want to see, how to colour or bold critical information. I wanted to complete this piece of work so I stayed later at work today and will complete my colouring work on Excel tomorrow morning.
Cleaning up data takes time, and also while I was doing it, I had a feeling my boss would make me lead the discussion/present to Edna on the data findings…
This accurately illustrates how I feel at and about work:

Special thanks to Nikki for her very cute frog series!
Hyang-to-gol with Ethel!

(much needed)
21 February, Wednesday | Today I was multi-tasking at a whole new level, scrubbing data, cleaning up and also pulling ehints details for different tasks! I need a good game plan that allows me to cover more things in the same amount of time at work (OT can only help me achieve that much, I need efficiency)
Amid chaos, the cardiac nurse who liaised with me for data in January called me and I wasn’t very nice on the phone (H caught on that I was not pleased from my bad tone)
Today was considered a turning point, as I finally made the effort to look through aesthetic package pricing and accepted that I cannot just prong in the max sub values. Some massaging is needed (I procrastinated a lot because I am not good with MT factors T.T)
It was through a case we have and I also met a colleague, JW at 3 pm to sort things out, or perhaps figure out what's the issue. I will need to think about how to resolve the problem later on ):
JW also shared with me the transaction code ‘ZNMF25’ that can help to extract some essential data that I needed for PM review! I am so happy as I will not need to manually check 900+ cases or more
The stress is real, I went home and put down a list of things to do tomorrow at work, so that I get the more important tasks cleared in the morning, plus ensure all gets done.
22 February, Thursday | I used the task list I created yesterday and made sure I followed through with it!
I also took some time to do the template for the packages set-up with calculations and formulas. I will need the amounts from JW for me to derive what values to maintain, I sent her a chaser today (but she only gave them to me next week)
After all these were settled, I felt a lot better! Finally got my mind sorted out, and felt more assured and settled that I got this 💪🏻
I worked until 7 ish pm to clean up data and their formatting (it was a more chill OT, yay)
I also arranged a meeting with Edna for next Friday to share the figures for KPON, hopefully, it goes well and I don’t perform badly.
23 February, Friday | I started feeling the pressure a few days ago, I just wanted to be sporting and attend the party in ethnic costume, but one thing led to another.
I will be donning a Saree, followed by add-on accessories and someone will help me out with my hair
(oh dear, the pressure)
I was slightly worried that Ven didn’t get P’s message about helping me get dressed in Saree today, so I Teams, followed by calling her. She was shocked to hear I wore a dress, then she asked me how to tuck in the Saree. I brought the clothing downstairs to Finance for her to have a look, and added a “ready-made Saree” and she immediately calmed down haha
(now I am dressed in the Saree in Finance, at a not secluded area. I v paiseh)
Ven passed me her gold necklace to go with the outfit
(constantly worried that I will lose it)
My boss also dressed in ethnic costumes for today, I guess we are all kinda competitive.
Although I have loads to complete, I didn’t have the mood to work today haha. I think it could be because we have our annual Finance party later today!

24 February, Saturday | 初十五🍊🍊
We went to Grandma’s for CNY 15th Day Celebration! We had yusheng and tangyuan for dinner, Nikki plus Sisters played card games until 10 ish, before we left!
We three went to McDonald’s to have supper before heading home
(hehe I like the card games we played!)
25 February, Sunday | SL is on duty today so I sat with her Church friends for a bit, it was an average conversation. Somehow this friend heard me say "I have missed a few sessions of CE" and told SL about it. It was strange because SL was with me all seven sessions haha, wdym!
Session Seven: Come and Die
SL helped me ask for the book I wanted: God’s Big Picture! I am so happy and excited to get started on it, as it explains and helps with understanding how the 66 chapters gel together!
I met Apple at 4 pm for Matcha at Hvala!
(SL asked me why when I have Hvala at home 😂)
I didn’t quite like the Matcha Latte, it was too gao. But their Matcha Petite, as recommended by Gwaimui, was real good!!!!
We caught up and narrowed down the dates/tickets for our trip to Switzerland! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!
Too full for a proper dinner, so we grabbed something simple/light at Shake Shack:

Chipotle Fries
I decided to leave at 9 ish pm, but ended up standing outside Shake Shack and chatted until 10 ish pm before heading home ( we like to 罚站😂)
26 February, Monday | I have had a headache since the night before and woke up still feeling pretty bad but I have to make it to work (H is on leave today). I need to get to work and take paracetamol…
It was painful and horrible but this made my day!!!

27 February, Tuesday | Today’s lunch, H and I tried fried kway teow (it was not bad)!
At 2.30 pm, I went over with J to open safe.
With too much on my plate, I started to lose sight and focus on what's more important. I have gotten the minimum values for the 7 Aesthetic packages from JW, need to work out the formulas etc, and do testing in UAT today.
I worked until 7 pm today, after a quick shower and dinner, Grace came over to our place to speak to us about hospitalisation coverage!
Although everything was settled almost close to 10 pm, Fat fat and I were just happy to have sorted out this matter heh
I made Matcha Latte for Sisters as a winding-down drink~
(Mr. Oh will be in Singapore real soon!)
28 February, Wednesday | A colleague from another office, M (she is known to have 0 capabilities) has refused to respond about a patient case they blotched. We are just helping with service recovery and she suggested to PE Office colleague to ask Rachel to close with parents
What happened to a single point of contact? And this colleague always refuses to contact parents or patients. I have no idea how she got promoted to Manager rank…
I was checking each amount at different subsidy bands for Aesthetic packages with JW. My calculations/formulas are accurate and good to go! I loaded the file in Production and this is one huge burden off my shoulders!
(although still got many others la, but little wins!)
We went to Grandma's place~
29 February, Thursday | My boss emailed early this morning, asking if we have closed one of the chemo complaint cases. It is not even urgent, but he is anxious++ and kept chasing for an update.
Why does he have to start my morning liddis? This case isn’t even urgent leh
I am so swamped with work, and he only adds on things he deems important to clear, giving me even more undue stress
It was a challenging WFH day but nothing beats my boss Teams messaging me about the status of MIC counsel code set up.
Many things are pending, and I don't have the info ready to set up the codes yet. He dared to comment that he gave me this task quite some time back?????
Some time passed 6 pm, I left for my facial appointment and did some reading after dinner!