Day 5 //10 July, Sunday | Where are we going today?
We are going to find SL's denim shorts granny stall at the Platinum mall because she loves them as they are super comfortable! The previous time we didn't take note of where the stall is, so today we will have to comb through all the shops and hope for the best.
Zone 1 Oxford 7

Denim shorts ahma found!!
(featuring SL's new bag from Jodd Fairs and plastered knee)
Then we went to grab McDonald's at Siam Paragon and we met SL's university groupmate - blurred out to protect his identity. He was with his Thai boy boy?

Rachel's conclusion is, he doesn't look cute leh but when I saw his photo from a few years back, he was really cute! But no chance for us, because he is not interested in females...
I want to bring the attention back to how SL is eating fried chicken:

HUHHHHH... But let's hear her out, as her hands smelt like the sanitiser we used earlier, she wanted to eat the delicious fried chicken with utensils.

Greyhound Cafe

(putting this here because the aesthetics are on point!)

I would love to chill here~
SL got her matcha drink from The Alley to enhance her bowel moment, while Suz got her mango drink from one of the shops here.
Rachel got Ice Cream from Award Winning plant based Gelato, Molly Ally:
I got their "Apollo" which is Avocado Honey!! 😋
(inserts gossip about some influencer/ Mediacorp artist, haha)

美女, 你去哪里?
SIAM DISCOVERY is very techno and funky vibes, but I did not capture any of that. SL took a picture of a cool wooden bike and that's about it haha

I kept going to the toilet, again, while my friends waited patiently for me to return. I wanted to take a funny picture of them here, for the blog post. They had to hold this position for the next 7 seconds so I can get different angles.

(also Suz's CROCS 走天下)


There was a long queue waiting, but we got in after 30 minutes wait because my friends were super far-sighted and made a reservation for this, for 4 pm! A large group of Taiwanese tourists queued for hours, and when we were called to enter the shop before them, they were shocked and speechless!
While we were waiting, I was watching this cat in the shop next door:

Here Hai's owner is very friendly and as we were seated near the stairs entrance on Level 2, the shop owner kept apologising when there was traffic near us.
Some of the dishes were sold out, but nevertheless, we enjoyed the meal very much!!!!!
Michelin Star, must-try Insane Crab Fried Rice!!!!!

We also ordered their Stir-fried Mantis Shrimp with Garlic & Pepper! I know it doesn't look like shrimp (more like insects/worms) but it's really delicious!!!!!

We saw others enjoying their Crab Spring Rolls. We even got a second portion because it was 😋😋😋😋😋
After this, we walked back (it was quite long iirc) to the train station and traveled back to Siam for a massage!!
As the shop was full, we had to wait for 40 minutes before our turn, and all of us just went around to buy and try things.
I got Strawberry Yoghurt from a Korean(??) shop!

(It was difficult to drink everything from the bottle with a straw, I left some yogurt below...)
Suz went for a full body scrub and aromatherapy, while SL and I wanted a foot massage with something else! The last time I tried their back massage, it was good, SL chose that. I went to google what is "Thai massage", and it says:
Thai yoga massage is a traditional therapy combining acupressure, Indian Ayurvedic principles, and assisted yoga postures.
Hmm, well I have been missing Yoga classes so why not?
SL and I got changed in the room upstairs, to prepare for our session. I was telling SL about the buttons, "buttons at the back, please."
This time we will be lying down on a mat, instead of a bed. The room was super dark:
Abit shady horrr
Thai Massage Review:
It was a good stretch, but I didn't like the stepping on my thighs part, super painful la!! There were moments when I groaned. It did not resolve my back pain...
I will do Thai massage again✌🏻
Background on my back pain: I was carrying my very heavy Xiaomi portable charger in my bag every day, and the long hours of carrying it around in a sling bag caused pain in the lower right side of my back... I did not use it at all during the trip some more...
It was only on the last day, I took the portable charger out for some relief. My back ached so much too when I laughed, sobs.
Then during our foot massage session, I was seated next to a Singaporean mother, her toddler is quite sick, so she had to carry him while receiving her foot massage. As I did not speak at all, I don't think they know I am from Singapore, so I just quietly watched the entire family encounter (still got one more boy and father).
Suz asked the lady who did her scrub and therapy, for Mookata recommendations, hehe this lady is now Suz's friend and she recommended:

Me totally loving the vibes of this place!!!!!

Suz patiently waits for the grill to be ready for BBQ:

*insert serious conversation topic between SL and I*

(how should we maximise eating??? IDK)

SCM told me his shop sells better Mookata, we went in August 2022, NAH I THINK THIS IS BETTER!!!!!!
Some last pictures of the place:
We were also happy because tomorrow is Monday, and is PH in Singapore and we don't have to work plus we are in BKK!!!!!!
We went to Big C to grab more stuff to give to friends and colleagues, and also got yoghurt drinks too (excessive eating problems)!

We also realised we don't have much money left in our shared wallet HAHAHA but we still have 1 last full day in BKK, should be okay?
*insert random stories about friends and family*
Rachel is going to bed with her mess all over their hotel TV. I will deal with that tomorrow, is now my favourite traveling mentality!

(featuring our dining table)
Day 6 // 11 July, Monday | After staying at the hotel for the past 5 nights, today is the first time we took a good look outside our window 😂

We left the hotel at 10-ish am, feeling all tired. The good thing is our trip is considered long for destination BKK, we got to space out all the eating haha

On our way out of the hotel, we saw people transporting the shopping carts/booths:
That's so smart la, we were amazed by how they manage the logistics!
Along the streets, we couldn't resist not getting any:


The day before, we saw the shops surrounding this Greyhound Cafe playing music loudly and there were a lot of partying and clubbing vibes! This morning, it was so peaceful.

Although we were seated inside the shop, there were flies around and mosquitoes...
Ms. Cheong's arms were a good target for the mosquitoes, and my legs were too. Suz doesn't usually get bitten, so she survived!!
Our Main Course
Suz always wanted to try Greyhound Cafe's coffee but the outlet at Central World doesn't have coffee today, so we went to another Greyhound Cafe at Siam Centre.

Suz ordered coffee, and we three just chilled around their very nice seats (not the above) for the next 2 hours, laughing and talking about our days in secondary school, JC, and University!
We also talked about what would things be like now, if we did not meet during our exchange program in 2016. I really don't want to imagine not having these two in my life.
The perspective of the seats we were at:

(earlier we went to the organic shop that Suz went to yesterday and grabbed many packets of this Freeze-dried Mango Sticky Rice!!)
Where is our Next Stop?!
(time for dessert😋)

Every time SL feels cold, she will open up her jacket (her hair actually) to shield herself from the cold air! SL also calls this place "Pang Sai" HAHAHAHAHA
Suz: this is their award-winning dessert place leh!!
Roti with Thai Milk Tea Condensed Milk😋

PANG CHA means Tea Bread!!!!!

This is their signature shaved ice dessert!!

"zuo mo ni ze yang de"
On our way to ASIATIQUE, I started panicking before the boat ride because I have had seasick problems for the longest time!!

SL and Suz sat at the side to take good views during the boat rides, such as:

While I sat right in the middle of the whole boat (the lowest point of the boat), the place where it rocks the least. So I took photos of my friends taking photos/videos:

(photo 1)

When we arrived, we went to tour around first!

We also passed by a haunted mansion!!!! The Halloween girl in me would want to go in BUT WE ARE IN THAILAND, I AM HELLA SCARED!!!!!!!!
I placed my 平安符 by my head every night when I slept in Thailand leh, I don't dare to go in!
Then 我们又饿了🙃

Thai Basil Pork/Chicken

I think it's pork because WE LOVE PORK!!!
Garlic and Pepper Crispy Pork

Yes, pork again!
Thai Green Curry

Wah spicy leh, but it was so good!
We saw a group of angmoh coming to dine here too and we were trying very hard to see how/what they eat! They all ordered a main and got side dishes too, is it too much ah?
We also saw the teenage girl eating popiah from the middle??!?!
(insert cousins and relatives' stories)
Then the sun had gone down, and also toilets with sufficient toilet paper are hard to find.

Earlier we saw a very pretty coffee place so we circled back to have coffee there ~

Suz got her mango drink from outside, while SL and I insisted on the matcha latte and latte respectively!

Later, we have Scholar Song Yu read a book very seriously! While Suz and I were picking photos for many reasons haha

At 8 plus, it was time to go! We wanted to grab some more things at Siam Paragon but the place was largely closed when we got back.

Me taking pictures of my friends not interested to take photos

We got back to our hotel at 10-ish pm and took our turns to shower. Suz all along got pack her luggage every other day, SL just hides her things in her big haversack while Rachel leaves her things everywhere.
After packing, my luggage was full even with me unzipping to allow expansion of the suitcase, and I still had things sitting outside my luggage. Suz noticed and also saw another bag of things by the wall, and asked who that belongs to!
Me: "Should we finish eating all these?" while gesturing to all the things outside of my luggage.
SL and Suz: NO
They started helping me to organise my things and 98% of my luggage was packed by SL🙃
Thanks to the two of them, Rachel was done with her luggage packing at 12 ish am! The alarm is set for 5 am because we have an early flight to catch!
This is our last night in BKK le, so fast!!!!!! I can't believe our trip is coming to an end le 😢😢😢
(can yall come with me to Korea please?)
Day 7 // 12 July, Tuesday | I have a habit of waking up to go to the toilet or just sitting up and then going back to sleep. I saw Suz using her phone at 4-ish am and had to do a double take at the time.
She said maybe she was too worried that we will miss our very early flight, so couldn't sleep well.
At 5.40 am, we are all ready to zao. We planned to leave at 6 am, SL went back to sleep for a while more while Suz and I just nua sai then 6 am, we pali pali left the hotel after checking out and getting the 3k baht deposit at the counter!
We made our way to the train station, took the train, and arrived at the airport at 7 am! Suz walked quickly to get a tax refund, we also got donuts and coffee, and cleared immigration and security checks!

We went to run our own errands, I got a huge Fresh cleanser in a bottle and lip balm x3 at a discounted rate before gathering back for our flight to Singapore!

(for now)