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July 2024 - Adulting

Writer's picture: rachrachchangrachrachchang

1 July, Monday | In June, I was rushing for 1 Jul fee revision and now that this day is here, I forgot to note down about my day ):


2 July, Tuesday | (missing content)


3 July, Wednesday | H was WFH today, I had to follow up and coordinate with the people involved in this for the enquiry that went straight to Edna. Some emails went to K without us inside, so easier to do this face-to-face…


There are always more urgent tasks, then end up not completing the analysis S requested for. She sent me a reminder last week le, and I didn’t want to drag it too long…


I also received a PLS case today, and the admission is tomorrow so need to rush the estimation out by today (stress dao bao!!!!!!!)




Since the day I met Pris at Acoustic Coffee Bar in June, we have been planning this meet-up with the group but she fell sick last night. We decided to postpone the group dinner, and YS and I went ahead on our dinner date ✨


Myung Ga ll

I love their steamed eggs with cheese!!!! So good!


Me with a gigantic beer 🍺




Then we went to The Coffee Code!

YS wanted to try their waffles, it was so-so.


4 July, Thursday | I received an email asking for estimates for a chemo clinical trial that is not known to me. It became a busy date finding out information and patient cases to work out the estimate.


We went to Grandma’s house for dinner (bcm!!!!)


5 July, Friday | I had lunch with ZY at OCK today and it seems like he is not doing great ):


As I will be on FCL next Monday, I was busy finishing my work and preparing for my absence. I updated the stakeholder that I will give her the estimate for chemo treatment and another estimate on Tuesday when I am back.


(My boss is ooo this week, so need his approval for one of the cases)


I went for my beauty appointment, then Songfa dinner with Fat Fat. We then went to City Hall to buy things to prepare for my sketching date tomorrow~


We tried Kenangan Coffee, it’s good but the staff caught me eating outside food (Mister Donut, helps)


I went to bed earlier today, as tomorrow will need to get up earlier to reach Napier MRT station by 8 am.


6 July, Saturday | I woke up earlier to pack the food I got yesterday into a thermal bag and washed strawberries too. I arrived slightly before 8 am and as expected, 宝贝reached already!


We went to the visitor centre and registered, we were the third and fourth sign-up and I thought there would not be many show-ups today. It was more than 20 pax, and Mr Tham Pui San is a true artist!!!

After he taught us some skills such as “mark making” and textures, we proceeded to look for a good view to sketch and settled down! 宝贝 brought a picnic mat so that we could sit down to sketch ( I prepared the picnic food heh, picnic mat without food is sad)

I asked him if he likes sketching, he responded “还好” then I asked if he suggested coming to this sketching class because I like drawing/sketching, and he nodded.


(I found the right man!! He is so sweet!)


The view vs the sketch:

He went to help me find out how to draw the water flow, and later he went with me to queue to speak to Mr Tham, and lao shi gave me some tips on how to sketch the water body, so here is my revised sketch:


(I did this later that day)


After the sketching class ended, we went to wash our hands and sat under their main pavilion area to eat the food I prepared. We had onigiri and strawberries, and there was a worm alive in 宝贝’s strawberry (ARGGHHHHHHH)


Then I went to wash them all over again, and he joked about feeding the worm to the birds to lighten the mood (xxn)

As he needed to get home to prepare for the new fridge delivery, we were on our way to the MRT to head home after we finished the food. I wanted to hold hands longer and didn’t want to let go but I needed to take out my pass to tap into the gantry. He joked about jumping over the gantry 😂


We also noticed the trains are at different platforms (maybe 3 floors away) and wondered how they arrive at the same platform at other stops.


I got another question also, and he said to ask LTA! I am still amazed by the platforms thing, do the trains gradually ascend and descend to arrive at the same place?


I saw the selfies we took and was upset because I looked extra chubby in one, and I later also mentioned that yes is the angle, and that I should also lose weight :/


宝贝: Next time, we take better pics





Right before I went for a swim, I texted “love ni” after I updated my whereabouts and although I know he doesn’t say it back, I just wanted to tell him that I love him at random moments hehe


He replied: Love u, sweet duck



7 July, Sunday | In a long time, Apple and I haven’t had any meet-ups to chill and today is that day!


We went to Acoustic Coffee Bar at Neil Road as we wanted to try their menu (not available at our favourite location)

I got a white cold brew and Apple tried their special cloud coffee~


After lunch, we went to Field Notes (I saw this place a few days back) for another round of drinks and of course, dessert!




K Star Noodle

(too much noodles)



8 July, Monday | I took FCL today to have 1 for 1 HDL with Bili~

Then we went to PB for a short coffee break before the show at 6 pm, and this is my review of “How To Make Millions Before Grandma Dies

(then we didn’t eat dinner)


9 July, Tuesday | I already told the relevant stakeholder that I will be on leave on 8th, and also need time for my boss’s approval, I will get back to her on Tuesday.


Then once I saw the emails she sent, chasing my boss for the amounts and I told her off over the phone.


K received another estimate case and was panicking, she immediately asked me to have a look once I settled down in my seat :/


Once these are cleared, then I am back to MIC matters. I am so lost la, as it has been some time plus there is not much data for me to derive the MIC amounts.


I arranged a discussion with my boss to discuss MIC findings



10 July, Wednesday | I had the face-to-face session with my boss today, and followed up with an email for his clearance by EOD. He is supportive of my suggestions and also agreed to skip the ones with few data. It's okay to say we evaluate next time when there is more data. YAY!!!!!


(yay not for long tho)


11 July, Thursday | This week I am not working from home, as I have to attend a face-to-face workshop in the afternoon, it is regarding estimated bill size/FC so I am the biggest player 🙃


After the workshop, we can go off le!!!


I went to Grandma’s for dinner.


12 July, Friday | Adeline swung by this morning to pass me what she got from Japan! Then it was chatbot meeting liao


I went lunch with a few colleagues at Tekka

(finally the mee siam granny not yelling at me)


After all the work, big boss S still insist on giving her the analysis of MIC bills compared with current inpatient cases, even though I told her in my email that there isn’t much data and the findings wouldn’t be conclusive…






Early BDAY dinner with YT!



Then we went to Kenangan Coffee for drinks! I had two coffees in one sitting hahaha

YT and I talked about the bag that I wanted, it is the same bag I have now, but in Lilac Dream colour hehe


I randomly shared that I wanted to purchase this bag and sent him a screenshot, and 宝贝 said he would get it for me, as he seldom 送我 things! At first, I declined but eventually agreed and thanked him for getting me a new bag 💕



13 July, Saturday | We went for CG session today (it was postponed for more than 3 weeks due to a conflict in schedule). Then we had dinner at the food court at Bugis Junction, the chilli ban mian is good!


After dinner, we went to Ah Chew for dessert:       

宝贝 walked me home today, we said goodbye many times before really parting. I am not too sure what got into me, that I started crying the moment he left ):


It was this wave of sadness that washed over me, of the thought of having to 和他分开 and I sat by the pool, crying until I had no more tears and my nose was no longer red


He was with me via text throughout most of the emotional moments, and got really worried because I forgot to update that I got home and showered le. I felt so bad, but this was just a period hormone-caused emotional moment, I am normally not this crazy la



14 July, Sunday | After yesterday’s crying episode, 宝贝 insisted on having lunch together tomorrow. I think he wants to make sure I am okay.


We met at Tanjong Pagar and tried their hawker food! Although it was a simple meal, we had a great time!


I was craving something sour after the tasty (salty) prawn noodles, he happened to suggest grabbing honey lemon at Fun Toast, and that was what I needed!!!!!!!


(last time I also had a honey lemon craving)


After we went our separate ways, I went to PLQ to buy some stuff, such as PB’s bread and 3L of Oat Milk from the supermarket (so heavy!)


15 July, Monday | Dad brought Grandma for her appointment and has the Get Go vehicle all day, so we will be going for a nighttime singing session at NSRCC! I want to get through the workday and then go have fun le!


Despite the poor planning on Dad’s part and karaoke system issues, we still had fun and did two activities, bowling followed by karaoke from 8 to 10.30 pm!

(then comes the arm pain)


16 July, Tuesday | Then I had a night of arm pain and decided to take SLWOMC given that it is just a muscle ache and that I didn’t have loads of work piled up (at the moment).


I got a text from a colleague in the middle of the day, that said that it was an urgent case and they needed the figures by today. Honestly, it is not a life and death situation leh and this case can afford to wait until I am back…


17 July, Wednesday | I was busy rushing the new oncology case that came yesterday to quickly provide the estimate asap.


After a stressful day at work, I went home to a nice durian night with family!


18 July, Thursday | It was a pretty good WFH day, however at 5.47pm I got a call from PE office, the staff insisted that I contact one of the patients who seemed escalated. The problem is I am working from home right now, and most colleagues have already left the office by this time, no one will be available to provide a return call today. She still insisted on it, until there was confirmation of an email sent out, I was so furious and pissed, I hate being rushed and pushed.


I decided to eat KFC today for dinner (for all the stress I received earlier) and bought it to grandma’s!


19 July, Friday | Friday started wonderfully with:

(credits: dad’s early morning walk)


I spent most of the rest of today trying to work out the estimate for the 3 phases of treatment, and that is difficult because there aren’t any ideal past cases (similar LOS) that I can use for the request…


Then I left the decision-making to the clear-headed me on Monday morning 😂


I also started chatting with ZY! On Teams and WhatsApp and I like our conversations, he is a good addition to the office after Charissa left!!




Then I left for lash lift session with Fat fat followed by awesome dinner!


20 July, Saturday | 宝贝 and I went for Tree Top Walk today! I even offered to go earlier and we met at 8 am at Upper Thomson MRT. I remember I even whined about arriving at 10 am for the Botanic Gardens walk in May 2024, and now I am okay with 8 am, he changed me!!!!!


Me, sweating through my Uniqlo top (prob cannot wear it for heavy exercise next time)


I have no picture to show of Tree Top Walk because all my pictures have 宝贝 in them, so featuring the picture he took of me instead:

 I love how the sunlight shines in this picture!




It was 10ish 11 at this time, we walked to Thomson Plaza for brunch! I think I drank too much water, and couldn’t eat much when it was time to eat HELPS


He gave me a small portion of his lei cha (bu cuo!)




He texted me afterwards, and asked if I was free tomorrow to have lunch together! Honestly, I was prepared that today was all I saw of him for the week, and him asking me out, made me so happy!!!!!!



21 July, Sunday | We met at 1ish at Chinatown MRT, he came from his Zoom service session and I saw he had a carrier in his hand and asked what that is. It is my new bag!!!!!!!!! I am so happy and excited to see it (waited until go home).


We went to Hong Lim Hawker for lunch and I got curry rice:


He queued for some famous noodles stall.


While walking in Chinatown Point, he stopped by Decathlon and was browsing nothing in particular. After asking more, I realised he was looking for a suitable foldable chair that we could get for my sketching adventures!


(he is so sweet)


We went to Hainan Story for coffee/tea and talked about travelling together (a topic he brought up over text before) and the topic of wedding and housing. These conversations were difficult ):

I changed my screen protector today (after it cracked on friday morning) and phone case too! I decided not to be lazy and opened the gift and I saw this:

He even added his touch to the label, and drew a heart for me hehe (i drew a heart on the banana loaf box previously too)

The packaging was so nicely sealed back that I took a double take when I saw his extra touch on the bag label, wondering if the shop helped him add a note to his purchase hah


22 July, Monday | NEW BAG!!!!!!!!!

I said thank you many times, and he pointed that out too. I vvv happy ma, so keep thanking him for the gift, and now that we both bring something we got each other, to work everyday ~


No matter how hard it is, I know we will have to work things out if we want a life together!


23 July, Tuesday | After adding another year of fee revision increase, I have finished tidying up the oncology estimates for the three treatments, by phases. This is to prepare for a day that I am away, and K or H doesn’t know how to do what I do LOL


It is so much tidier in tables and presentation view, and the cost for the drug changed too, so it was a timely revision and I scheduled this update for tomorrow.


After work, K and I went to SKP at Boon Keng to help look for paper zip-lock bags for cookies that we are selling for charity! After she left, Bili and I met and got cakes for aunt for her birthday. I bought bcm for my dinner tonight to eat at mmh!



24 July, Wednesday | The cute cat stickers I ordered are here already!!! I started pasting them on and this is my new addition:



I had the update with K and my boss at 11 am! Then my boss asked that I update the forms as well, and I sent them all the files once all is completed.


We went to Thai restaurant for lunch! After lunch, someone came to get me as there were some drinks delivered for H, but he is WFH today -.-


ZY and I worked together to put all the cold drinks into the rented drinks fridge:

As we left the office, K told me that UOB users would have the money in their account after 5pm YAYYYY I was so happy to see my money (pay + bonus) HAHAHA


Then I went for facial and ate a nice dinner at PB!


25 July, Thursday l At around 5 pm (still working hours), I started dressing up and getting ready for KUMAR UNCUT!!!!! We had dinner at Tim Ho Wan before entering the theatres.







26 July, Friday l YT and I were very excited to use the hair straightener comb that Fame got us, we started charging it the moment we got home!!!!!!


This is me today:

I attended chatbot meeting until 11ish and we crossed roads with a huge Styrofoam box filled with ice on a trolley (shag)


This is the refill for keeping our canned drinks cold for the yearly charity sale! Then XY, me and another colleague went to have lunch before starting our duty officially.


Today’s event is a success!!!!!!!!

(although I was annoyed quite a lot along the way)


I wanted the balloons and I have been talking about it for some time hah, and 宝贝 offered to get it for me!

Even though he is not around today, but buy what your girl wants HEHEHE

(we didn’t get the balloons in the end because no place to put also)


We went back to the office to clean up and finish some work, before K and I left with J for dinner at Myung Ga!

It is a much-needed time together!


27 July, Saturday | I met 宝贝 at Lavender MRT, he found this recommended ban mian called Prince Noodles!


(Not sure why the staff thinks I am going to sit here and wait for him to take the order -.-)

+ dumplings


Then after that, we walked to City Square Mall and decided maybe we should visit the place where we first started our relationship – Acoustic Coffee at Neil Road!


宝贝gave me this:

For my eyes and regular fatigue/tiredness



29 July, Monday | I can’t recall what I did at work today haha because all I could remember is: DURIAN FEAST!!!!!

And tomorrow I am on FCL, to go dating with my love!!!!!



30 July, Tuesday | We got up sufficiently early for CBD breakfast at Kinber Kopi!!!!

Luncheon meat, Otah


Capita Spring views are beautiful! These are my pictures:

We also took my favourite couple photo here 💕


Then we went to Tiong Bahru Market for lunch, I got prawn mee but still love Jalan Sultan’s more heh


This was followed by “Inside Out 2” at Tiong Bahru GV, I relate to the character “Anxiety” and they said that you feel less happy when you get older, mine increased after meeting my man!




Did my nails to prepare for the glamour wedding this coming Friday!!

Nails update + random bouquet piece from OL:


31 July, Wednesday | While I was on the new EBS request, noticed that the PF calculation logic is incorrect as “Service Cat 2” does not group the services the same as Service Summary in bill. As such I had to rush and rework the other 13 files currently on our web by 1 August!


I spent quite a lot of time validating my work until I found the ideal field to extract for the data!!!!!! I managed to finished 9 of them, the remaining ones I will complete them tomorrow.

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A Science graduate, but deals with numbers at work and bad at it. Interested in travel, photography, food, music, art, and design. I have way too many interests to be sustainable. Aspire to retire by 30. 



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